Wednesday, September 16, 2020

political leanings

As i have no political interest in the govt .....because i think it is rigged sports in america ....and mostly all sports ....its all down to money ......look at finals wimbledon ....or superb bowl ....its never a  complete onslaught ....oh !!!!and baseball's always to the last ....yes why .....advertising .......
Yet!!!!! people fall for it .....just like politics ....they think they matter .......but they don't .....they only care about...... you once every 4 years ......only for a minute or two........ when you vote ...after that ....they do not care if you live or's not hard to think about ......all they care about is your x in that box ....nothing else ......oh!!!! and you pay your taxes .....even when you are dead ....but govt only cares about who runs shit ....nothing else matters......because they are the powers that be are just a mouse in a wheel sleep ....raise kids taxes on your house .....gas ......death ....etc etc......its a fact you thinking who gets in govt they really don't they are all in it together .....all of them ....but it seems when one guy plays good cop .........the other plays bad need  a  side to pick ...its a psychology of brainwashing from when you were little just don't know it ....its programmed in to you's a fact .....go study investigate's all their on the web i just tend to be more nosy .....that's all ......

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