Monday, August 10, 2020

we are all in this iogether

What's this we are all in this together  bollocks .......I don't fucking think so .....this stupid hoax .....virus............. has done nothing more than expose how self serving ........and total cunts........... human beings are .....hoarding shit paper out supermarkets .....fucking arseholes ....usually pussy whipped men ....... being told they have to get shit......... because their little bastard kids........ will eat and shit.......... them out of home ......while his wife sits at home and scoffs  twinkies and watches all my children .........fat bitch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......I am not in this together with any fucker far as I am concerned  everyone is a walking germ bowl one would tell you shit anyways ......look at this whole dilemma .......people have become fucking loonies ......I am waiting till someone  starts on my ass  for  no reason ........they will never  forget the virus I can assure you .......

I still don't know how these  media filth are coming up  with these ridiculous numbers .....where are the harvesting this shit from.....I don't about you fuckers  but I am dam sure they are pulling numbers out their  arse can they know these are exact cases and  number...its pure  fucking nonsense .....nothing else .....I am not buying this crap .....and the fucking media .....paycheck whores  ......but hey!!!!! if you are a  simple
  minded ......... servile dirtbag!!!!! .......good on ya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......