Thursday, August 27, 2020

it's all bollocks ......

Remember the times they used to say to you ....too much caffeine is bad for you ......too much beer is bad for you ....too much chocolate is bad for you .....too much this is bad for you ....too much of that is bad for you ........then they say you can have chocolate.....then you can have a  couple of beers coffee has benefits to fight cancer , know what i think it's all shit .....moderation in any given thing is the key the fucking wackos are saying a nap is bad for you .....well i have an answer to them ...GFY!!!!! yep!!!!!....i think you need a sleep you got to sleep......if you are tired ......i know when i am tired and i have a sleep i feel great how can that be bad ......can you imagine who comes up with this shit ....who knows  all i know someone has interests in this this shit and it's usually financial ....especially if it comes from america.....they are always trying to fuck you out of your money somehow's ll hear say .....oh !!!!! and guess what you are going to fucking doe   anyways it is just a  matter of time enjoy your shit ......

Napping for more than an hour linked to premature death

Afternoon naps may not be as harmless as they seem. (Getty Images)
Afternoon naps may not be as harmless as they seem. (Getty Images)

An afternoon snooze may seem harmless, however, new research suggests drifting off for more than an hour may be bad for our health.
Around a third of Britons are said to battle insomnia. While a night of tossing and turning may leave you feeling fatigued and irritable the next day, long term sleep deprivation has been linked to obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.
The benefits of naps have been debated, with studies previously linking too many daytime snoozes to heart disease.
To learn more, scientists from Guangzhou Medical University in China looked at over 313,000 people from 20 studies.
Results suggest napping for more than an hour is linked to a 30% higher risk of premature death and 34% greater odds of developing heart disease.
Napping for less than an hour, however, may boost heart health in those who struggle to sleep at night, added the scientists.

Naps have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, which is behind one in four deaths in the UK alone. (Getty Images)
Naps have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, which is behind one in four deaths in the UK alone. (Getty Images)

“If you want to take a siesta, our study indicates it’s safest to keep it under an hour,” said study author Dr Zhe Pan.
“For those of us not in the habit of a daytime slumber, there is no convincing evidence to start.”
According to the NHS, most adults need between six and nine hours of sleep a day.
A night staring at the ceiling may affect your focus the following morning, however, the odd bout of insomnia is not associated with lingering health concerns.
People who frequently struggle to nod off come nighttime may rely on an afternoon nap to get them through the day, with studies throwing up mixed results as to whether they are good for us.
“Daytime napping is common all over the world and is generally considered a healthy habit,” said Dr Pan.
“A common view is napping improves performance and counteracts the negative consequences of ‘sleep debt’.
“Our study challenges these widely held opinions.”
Out of the more than 313,000 partic

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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........

  I watched the  state of  the union     address the  great  ....... one and  only....... donald  j trump   ..........  GOAT.......