Wednesday, August 5, 2020



From time to time i just like to throw in a disclaimer ......its just to let you know is a blogging platform i just like posting shit ....some funny......some sad.....some informative ......some down right fucked up .......i do hope somewhere along the line......i make some peoples day.....we are all living in very troubling....... dangerous...... times ....where the media is lying ......and  destroying peoples lives  ...families  .......existences.....and people are  upset at mere gestures of  rhetoric and blogs filled with jest frivolity .......and  character  assassination.....i would rather do this........ than do drugs and drink .......both non- productive....... and  very bad for you ......
as i have said i am not ambassador for the human race ......nor am i interested in solving peoples  problems .......i just like to try and post shit in case aynone missed it .......i will always add my cyber 2 cents as they call it in america ......

Please feel free to post anything you like  ...except illegal shit ......but you can remain anonymous or not .....just send it to same name will cut and paste it exactly as you send it  to me and just title it ...rant for international hippie.....its free charge if you need to let of steam in thee  trying times .....please feel free .......

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I just had to post  this one   .........i mean FFS.....raquel welch  .......enjoy   for all you married  guys ........  this is........   or...