Tuesday, August 25, 2020

couple who protected their home

I watched the the RNC  political  rally last night .....i usually don't .....because media blows ......but what i did watch .....was the couple who were protecting their home from demonstrators who were putting this couple life in danger ......and they could be charged while ....none of these  demonstrators...were not charged with trespassing ..... this is what this country is coming too .......this is why we  have gun laws ......to protect ourselves ........i am all for it .....gun ownership .....no guns means lawlessness........i am sure i am not the only one that feels this way ......who said life was fair ....there was never  guarantees......ever .........guns are made for one reason.....sure you can put them in a display case like swords and other ornaments and look at them .....but they are made one reason to kill .......simple ........if  you break into someones home .......then you take that risk ......it seems fair ......how ridiculous is this when rioters and demonstrators won of a couple .....this country is in grave danger of  becoming a wasteland .......would be a shame unless something is done.........
I don;t vote .....i cannot vote i am not a citizen .....i have never voted  for the sole reason i do not trust govt .....political system ....and feel its all rigged ........voting to me is like mind control and fear is the factor used to tell people  this is what they got to do.....but there will always be the masses who are terrified and think they have freedom .....when they do not 

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction ......it is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......