Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Every now and then we have events ....etc....etc.....that happen everyday i like to copy and paste and give them my view on the situation.....sometimes i get caustic ...throw in some  character  assassination......and of course  ...jest and frivolity .......We are living in some  shitty times ...where poeple are really really sensitive ...weka and stupid ....and easily offended  for no reaon .....usually because they hate their lives ....wives ....situations .....etc...etc if you feel  that ....has offended you in  anyways  shape or  form might want to do  some of the  following .......

1.fuck off!!!!!!! not read it ...
3.see a shrink get some meds
4.don't take life and  words so seriously
5.toughen up stop being a  little  fucking bitch...

my website is not going to change the  world or anything i got it becasue i just want to air  what i think is  retardedness in the human race ........

please feel free to post or rant or  say anything you want  ,...sent it to will copy and  paste it just as  you wrote it ......or whatever you want to post ........enjoy is short

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......