Thursday, July 2, 2020


As we are living in very uncertain times .....mentally...physically ...emotionally.....financially....where everything ....that's is said and done and shown ....thanks to social media .....for e.g Facebook...twitter...Instagram....tik tok.....etc ...etc.....people in general have become more sensitive ....emotionally imbalanced ....self loathing......insecure ....mentally unbalanced ...etc etc .....i like to every now and then put a  disclaimer on my website to tell you all social media is a  joke .....its a facre its indoctrination......and  of course addictive ...some people actually follow their lives  by the media  garbage has  bred a whole nation of  cyber  zombies  capable of  doing stupidity at the cost of some likes ......... 
I use blogger as  my platform i like to type stuff  articles of  i find that could be interesting or  just drive people  bonkers ......its merely for entertainment purposes and believe it or not i have a real life where in actuality intertwine and  socialize with human beings ....yes !!!!! its true .....its just a conduit of speech nothing else .....its the 1st amendment nothing else just retorting to what i see ....and in reality what i see is mostly garbage its nothing personal .....if you think i am offending you might need  to  see  a professional person who will charge you for nothing sit on their  sofa and whine like a little  bitch ....pansy ....

                           rule of thumb .........

believe nothing of what you hear ....and only half of  what you see is  an illusion.....

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......