Wednesday, March 11, 2020

cruise ships..........the saga continues

Another  cruise  ship is shit many times do you hear  shit happening on cruise ships like food poisoning or now corona bullshit virus .......
I myself do not understand the whole cruise ship mentality i have reiterated its a  floating sardine tin on the  ocean full of  drunk fuckers ....who as we all know the staff  hate your ass.....none whom hardly speak English ....most Philippino or 3rd world .....there fuckers work cheap .....yes its  a fact the captain usually white  of  course ....unless its a 3rd  world  cruise  then he looks  like capt fucking ron the movie  with martin short ........ 
However with that in mind .....the list goes on and  on ......there is not much you can do on a cruise ship........well you can do the  same shit on a  cruise ship that you can do on land .....and that's  drink and  eat ......the only foreseeable problem is you cannot leave the fucker.....its strange that people go on cruises because you  go to these shithole countries that you generally would not bother to visit but the ship pulls in and you feel obligated to buy some cheap ass  tourist garbage  for your family ...its usually some  fucking bunghole like st johns can spend a fortune on one of these  upper class ships like viking cruises or  something that  constantly sails around the  globe .......why!!!!  would you want to ....they are strange  ...i never  understand  why rich people  would  want to board a ship and  go around the world .......well i guess  when you are rich  going around in a cruise would be easier  than  flying from one  country to the  next ......
Apparently there are many lawsuits against crusie shio companies  where the employees  raped or  molested  the  passengers .....i guess they  might say  oh she  does not speak English or  what ever
The cruise ships are registered in countries like  Bahamas .....fucking shit holes i guess maritime law..... in these  fucking bungholes of humanity........ its  harder  to get money form these fuckers   funnily enough these  bastards  dock and leave form  Miami and  suchlike places  but employ grunts  have you seen the  motley crew  that work on cruise ships .......they pay them shit money ......the  important jobs on cruise ships is  English speaking white  people obliviously ....i guess they  get   hand me  down las vegas  old  spun out cabaret i have been told  some times they have a  bar star.....that's  some  guy that never  made it .......worked in bars  and  such then ended  up  being a start on a  cruise  ship .....
As i was  saying cruise ships get fucked  every time ...yet people keep going on these massive  petri dishes.....even  now with the corona virus  people are taking advantage of  the cheap prices .....i guess  a bargain is worth risking your life for.....after all if you are  married  what do you have  to lose  your  wife or husband ....... and a chance to show off that bad Hawaiian shirt you own  .....after  all whats the point of going on a ship and not getting all dressed up for a shitty cabaret  and getting fucking lit  don't have  far to  'go  .....that's  why people love cruises ........ and  chance to go all out fucking eat ...... get  hammered  watch a fucking 3rd rate cabaret  show  .....after all when you are  drunk ....... 2 donkeys  fucking  is  entertainment .....its like one of these  holiday camps  you go to .........

but as long as there  are people  love  getting fucked up .......and  eating....... and entertained  these  floating  sardine tins  will rule  the oceans....... 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......