Tuesday, July 2, 2019

fucking wankers

I will never  understand these  fucking assholes.......i really hate the Japanese  for their  total disregard for animal life  ....their sick mentality ....like a lot of  cultures  ....in their  stupid minds  believe animals  are  there  to serve  us....in the flood chain......
Japanese like all Asian cultures ....have no regard  for animals ........they simply think they are  food ,.......only when  human beings totally fuck up the planet .....will they be  sorry .....but even then they still will not get it .....they hunt every animal to extinction.......greedy ignorant fucks .......a whale is hunted  for research my ass  ......you lying fucks its meat ......people hate it when you get  all  Eco on them ....yet they will not eat their  pets ......funny how  that  is  .....still ignorance  will always  prevail ,,,,,,,in the path of  destruction......they will not be  happy until the oceans are  fucked ......the stupidity and  ignorance  and greed of  man 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......