Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Feel free

As I have mentioned many times .....if you have something you got to say .....get off your chest ......unload ......mouth off ....or generally just spew a shit load of meaningful rhetoric
....but have not had a platform. ....because of places like face book .....the mindless gutless entity ......run by a rich liberal ....with the proverbial. Silver spoon in his pie hole .....privileged fool ....but you have to hand it to him .....he nicked .....or as they say in UK .....half inched it .....stolen in case you are not familiar with British slang .........I will gladly accept your toxic rendering and gladly ...post then unbleached uncensored ......and if you wish to remain anonymous.....because your friends are pussies/bitches/terrified/whipped .....or just generally scared shitless .....I will go forth and publish your rant .....frio ....nothing .....nada.   Not a dime .......why ....well because I wanna prove something is free ......and piss of people too ......awesome .......so don't be afraid .....load up ....and give it both barrels .....please send. Your rants to ......internationalhippie@gmail.com......they will be copied and pasted in a blog for your pleasure........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......