Saturday, May 25, 2019

what can you expect

I mean what else can you expect from the food industry ......its one of the lowest  businesses  where intelligence is not  a requirement ........reallyy  i mean  what  does it takes  to make a  fucking burger or a  shake you get  unintelligent  low self worth ......not giving a  shit fuckers  who are  not treated  right .......look at  john taffers  bar rescue paint a  dismal picture of the bar industry  ....which itself is  filled  with   drug addicted  thieving  low lives .......if i am wrong why is there a  reality show  about it ........oh and  incidentally  i have  worked in kitchens here and in the UK and  let me say ......i have washed  dishes  tended  bar  waited tables  and  made  salads ,.......and the  drug abuse is   rampant,,,,,,i myself hate  .....alchohol..... and  drugs .....and smoking  call me  boring .......but at least i have  self respect .......deriving form  great parents  ....not everyone is  fortunate  enough to get  decebt parents ..........but when you get a place  like Wendy's   what  can you expect  its  not  even  half a star  dining   is   simply  disgusting  food taco .....and macs and  similar don't need a  brain or  respect ,, work for these  places ......just telling the truth ...some smart people .....very few  used it  as a stepping stone  .....but when you look at the attitude and   state of the employees .......then  there is no  surprise  here  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wendy's employee fired after taking a bubble bath in restaurant sink: 'It is obviously totally unacceptable'

 Elise SolĂ©,Yahoo Lifestyle 20 hours ago 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......