Friday, May 24, 2019

fucking loonies

I never  understand why people want to climb  friickng mountain where  they knowing can be  clipped .......mount Everest ....inhospitable freezing rotunda .......don't people  get that mother nature  does not want to be fucked with .......some guy die the otter  day  in  his climb ....left behind a  wife and  kids  ......what  selfish cunt  ...unless his wife  was Happy he was  out the Way  climbing and  getting his  cash ......what sort of guy who has a  wife and kids   want to  go climb a  fucking rock ....

People know its  dangerous  but still climb it knowing they ill get  fucked  .....and of  course  human beings are  strewing it with litter and  all sorts  for  shit .....typical maggots human beings they have to fuck shit up ......there was a  documentary on the amount  of  shit trash and  debris   left behind by visitors   disrespectful cunts maybe its the mountains way of getting revenge .......well here  is  another  trio of   idiots  gone .......i mean  once  you get there  what next  ....maybe i don't  get shit like  that   i  mean i Luke  getting  away  from  cunts  ....but that's  taking the piss   big time  i  don't like  cold   and   wrapping up in   stuff from the cold  but  i will never  get that  .....
However  many more  will  die from this  challenge   for macho reason  to  brag  some  day in a  tavern .....i climbed  Everest would not impress my ass .......spend the money you wasted  climbing a rock on  children dying from cancer  asshole  ....then i will be  impressed............


Three Indian climbers die on crowded slopes of Mount Everest

 By Gopal Sharma,Reuters 21 minutes ago 


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......