Friday, October 13, 2017

rats deserting a sinking ship

The Harvey Wienstein scandal is only going to get worse ........and we all know the shit in Hollywood is  going to  implode or  explode ......or hit the  fan and  lots of c unts  are going to get covered in fecal matter......

The bints are stacking up  against Harvey ......a powerful executive ......i mean  FFS........ he is a  man......... a horny bastard  with a lot of money .....and  actresses......  like porn stars........ have had  to suck dick .......take off the dress .........or swallow jizz  ........or  take a Wang .........

Its  not like its  not known...........  as i keep saying ......James dean .........all the fifties  dudes ......... had  to  blow  or  do something was  rumoured .......i have  always said  actors  ........and  actresses .......... have  had  to swallow  something unpleasant......... to get where  they are ........its  a known   thing  they  say the good old  casting couch!!!!!! .......

the only difference  between porn movies ........... and  movies  is do not  see  dick in pussy  .......swallowing cum .........and  anal  ........and  stuff and things ......they are  basically  all  under the same  umbrella ......

Acting is  acting good........  or  bad ........ its an industry  and   sordid one  .........been known for  years ......

but i bet ya  all ..........the rats on the  sinking ship .......... will be coming out  to play .....mark my words..........  and  some   big names  will be  named ,.........already Steven seagal  has  been  outed the rats come out .......

and you can bet your  arse  ......... Harvey will take a  few  out with him ......when i hear .Hollywood  executives ......... i  automatically think struggling actress  in Hollywood  ......... sex .......... blow jobs...........  you got the  part ....... its  always been known  .......

most women have had  to suck dick to get somewhere in the corporate  world ........yes........ yes......... yes ....... don't shake your  head  ......... sex is the   tool  for  the  biz....... if you  don't know it ...........your head  has  been up your ass .........or  someone  else's ....get a grip .....

Harvey liked  fucking young  babes ......... and  who  can   blame  him........... what old  fat ...... stubbly .......ugly ass...... old  man.......  does  not like  fucking young desperate  struggling babes  ....unless you are not into  banging  chicks  and  that's your  gig ......

most hot  blooded  straight males...........   who are not  pussy whipped......... or  married........ or  fucking spineless ..........  would  do it ........ the only difference is .......... Harvey Einstein done  what most  men  dream of .......... and  made a  shit load of  money......... in between  banging  A list babes   ......

every man  want to bang a hot  babe .....they say they wont ......... that's  because ........they are  fucking scared.......  to  as the  wife  will cut them off  ....but they  would if they  could but they  can't

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ABOUT TIME ........

  Federal workers have had it way too easy  ......way too long  a.......nd  now  a new  boss is  coming ........oin to  kick some   federal ...