Tuesday, August 15, 2017


i am not  sure about the rest of  the  sheep minded  fucks ..... running around looking for  glasses ......  to  see  this  shit ......

i mean  why the  fuck ........i am not   trusting stupid  fucking glasses  to  my eyes  ....you will be  able to see it  .......

But i bet your  balls  to a  barn  dance .........you will have families  out tailgating  ......dancing around........  kids  running all over the  fucking place  ........ cunts eating hot  dogs  ...... fuckers  BBQ'ing .............beer  drinking   .....you know  why ...... because in America  .........they  will have  any excuse  for  a  fucking  drink .....and  food  that's  why ........

i have  seen it  .......people  Will  eat and  drink   for  any reason  whatsoever ....... and this Will be  no   different .....fuckers will be  out ........with the  wall green  plates ....... and the  hot dogs ...... and  the  beer ...... will be  flowing ......and   fuckers  Will be  cheering ......hopefully not getting .their  eyes  welded   together .......


Upcoming Total Eclipse Will Hit All of the U.S.

Yahoo View seg, 14 de ago 12:57 BRT 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......