Wednesday, August 16, 2017

forty years ago today


                   Elvis aaron presley

forty years  ago today...... the music  world  lost the greatest entertainer  ever  born ........Elvis Presley .......

There was no   greater entertainer my eyes  anyways .......if  America  gave  anything to the world it was  Elvis ......

Even john lennon said there was nothing before  elvis  he  changed the  platform of  music ......

He had his own style ....clothes and  music ......still toi this day  40 years on  elvis still has  fans  who still love him .......better than any president .....and almost a godlike  man .......

i have been to   gracelands .....incidently  which was on my bucket list ......few  times  and there is nothing more  emotional than  gracelands.......elvis left a legacy like no  other  ....he  was  generous toa fault  and  gave awaya lot of  his wealth ......

I blame colonel tom parker  for  elvis's demise .....a gambling degenerate .....who  elvis  felt  he  owed .........maybe   he might be still alive  if  he was not worked  so hard .......

another 40 years  form now  elvis wil still be worshipped  he was one of the greats and will always be loved  form  every corner of the  earth ....


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