Thursday, August 17, 2017

chinese peple may be the worst on the planet

        Do the Chinese  people do anything positive.......  apart from bring tai chai to the  world  ........i mean the steal....... thieve....... destroy ......and  copy  everything .......

i don't mind the designer suits .......and  shit ....... and  the Rolex's  ....... maybe i am a little  hypocritical ......oh yes .....and rub and  tugs ........but!!!!!apart  from that ......they  are fucking  assholes  of the highest order ......

They are  third world ........ and they  do make  cheap shit..... for  wal mart....... and  target .......everything is   Chinese  ......made  apart from  guns .....and  beef   in America ........ of  course (priorities ) although i have  heard they have  great AK 47'S.......still!!!!!besides that they are  fucking   parasites  .....they kill .......and  eat any animal........ they get their  grubby little  hands on !!!!!!!!

they  sell shark fin soup.........  that does not  taste like  anything ........ but it  makes  the  soup  gelatinous  ......these  are some  empty headed  .......brainwashed ...... third  world  cunts of the   highest order ........i am not  great trustier of   Asian  community as they do not like to integrate......especially Koreans........ i know i have  been to  Duluth  Georgia   ....... i know the mentality ........

but this   below ....... these  fuckers  need  hung for   this  ....... but  as long as there are simple  minded  bastards   eating this will not stop........  

everything starts  with  the long as these  wankers  eat there  will be  suppliers ....of this  shit .....

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......