Thursday, August 31, 2017

The truth for you idiots

only religious fools follow a conman

what  pile of  shite most pastor...he  has a good life....... i lived in  jonesboro Arkansas ....... like all the others.......  Paula  white  ......Karlis  bonke .....Joseph Prince.......

they do okay....... Paula white is  worth millions ........ she  is  hot as  fuck ...... but a phony ......same with the old  bastard ...... pat Robertson .......\

religion  is a business  ........ and  its a  business of  fools /.....led  by  smart people ....... taking the money .....

Joe Olsteen is  worth  50 millions bucks  .......from what   ........ yes  religion ....... go  figure think s there is a  god .......tell it to someone who cares ......

Megachurch Pastor Joel Osteen Responds to Criticisms as Celebrities Donate Millions to Hurricane Relief

 Jennifer Drysdale‍,Entertainment Tonight Tue, Aug 29 4:11 PM PDT 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

people have nothing else to whine about !!!dumb asses

jeez!!!!!!...... people are so  retarded .......... its only a fucking hat !!!!!

this is why  America is in the shitter  ......Texas is  flooded  .......and all the dumb fucks  can do is  criticize his hat ......

America is imploding with division stupidity ....political difference ....... and of  course  complete....... and utter ignorance  ......i think that  hats  are  not a  problem ........


The hats Donald and Melania Trump wore in Texas are taking some heat

 Maggie Parker 2 hours 9 minutes ago 

this speaks volumes aboutt the christian faith and joel olsteen

if you  have not figured  this one out might be  dumber than you already think ........

of course  pastor joe was in his jet at the time  paid  for  by his  sheep of  course ........

if you have not  figured out by now  religion  is  a scam ........the  you deserved  to  get fucked over  ......

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

when you leave america

Not sure if this  kids parents have  a  brain,.....but its  a known fact America is one  free  country ........ unlike the uncivilized shit holes on the planet .......

Saudi Arabia is one of them ........its a third world  bunghole ........with money not  civilized ........these  fuckers  come to  America ......... hoping to  bring that bunghole mentality here ....... into  civilized world .......... and thus....... this is why  civilized people  get angry .......when third word  fuckers  ......... being a parasite mentality  to a  civilized  country ......

This dumb rotund  kid ........was ill informed or  ........  just  fucking stupid........ and white....... and   obviously was not informed ....... these  fuckers  don't  fuck around   ...nope  .....Arabs  do not like  white people .......  never have ...... never  Will .......unless its a white chick of  course ......

Islam has no sense of  humour ........ Islam does not like  anything other ............ than Islam  ........and this  dumb ass white  kid  thinks  he  can   fucking mess  with the   Islamic  law .....he might be  better  served  as a  public  flogging........ to  remind  people  these  fuckers  ......area  archaic .......  and   no nonsense  bunghole  country ....

i am not sure why people  want to go to these   fucking shit holes  ....... maybe  he   might be   hurt bad .......... as to  set an  example  as  to why  Americans......  do not want Islam  in America ........  its   a  shite  culture  ......  fit  for  a shite   country ......that's why it  fits  there  ...its old  ........archaic ........ and  out of  touch  with  civilization ......


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......