Thursday, August 31, 2017

only religious fools follow a conman

what  pile of  shite most pastor...he  has a good life....... i lived in  jonesboro Arkansas ....... like all the others.......  Paula  white  ......Karlis  bonke .....Joseph Prince.......

they do okay....... Paula white is  worth millions ........ she  is  hot as  fuck ...... but a phony ......same with the old  bastard ...... pat Robertson .......\

religion  is a business  ........ and  its a  business of  fools /.....led  by  smart people ....... taking the money .....

Joe Olsteen is  worth  50 millions bucks  .......from what   ........ yes  religion ....... go  figure think s there is a  god .......tell it to someone who cares ......

Megachurch Pastor Joel Osteen Responds to Criticisms as Celebrities Donate Millions to Hurricane Relief

 Jennifer Drysdale‍,Entertainment Tonight Tue, Aug 29 4:11 PM PDT 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......