Monday, July 3, 2017

what else would you expect froma bloated lair

As long as Americans keep taking it in the  ass .......... they will keep  getting fucked in the ass ......... simple dynamics ......

this country has laid on its back ...........and  got  fucked.............  because unlike  french people ................. Americans  are afraid  to  do  anything about  anything............. they  only care about themselves .............and their paychecks......... and their  jobs ......
you have to understand  ........when you are  married  have  kids ............. and  a mortgage paynments.......all the stuff............  that is  called  responsibilty are the  slave to the system ....

american men have become so  emasculated ...............that they are  more interested in the price of home brew  kits........................ than the state of their  economy they will  not stand up ..............and when good men do not stand ................ up  they will fall for  anything ........everyone is  afraiod  to lose  their  stuff .....................

generations of  mummies  boys  .....................sure everyone talks big game ..................with  cuprboards  fuill of hi-tech guns .................and  weaponry  but no one  wants  to  do the time ......its  all show ......if  so  there  is nothing i am seeing ...............

the New  jersey ...................... Chris Christie  .......everyone in new  jersey pays  exhorberant taxes.................  while this  bleached  whaled  get  bleached on the beach.................  while you  cant ........

so  who truly is the  asshole .............. not him      you are  not doing anything about it ........he is shitting on the  NJ people............. like they are  fucking bitches.......

what happened  to all the ................."HOW YOU DOING "    mob  ................. no one  has   took him up ......he  does not care ..............  because he knows  the new jersey folks are  pussies  .................if he  didn't he would think other wise ......

Your  American tax  dollars at work ...............  let a beached  whale  have all the fun 

Chris Christie dismisses outrage over his use of shuttered N.J. public beach

 Michael Walsh 3 hours ago 

I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............