Tuesday, July 25, 2017

this is the price you pay

i have posted  before  about this ......when you decide  to live near a  large forest ....or woooded area .....you are simply taking a risk ......i know its  seems great to go shit in the woods ......

but  when you buy a property ...........near a lot of wood ..........its combustible.......... and then your house goes up with it ..........

human beings wanna do this............ and they like the idea of  being close to nature........ but .......its  a risk wild fires do not  judge on how much  you have ....it consumes constantly .......

i personally would never buy a place in the wooded areas ............becasue i believe animals need a habitat and we are  killing their places to live .........

still if you have money to burn .....excuse the pun .........and the haiku poetry .........all in one ......then you  will always get another .....


Homes and cars destroyed as huge wildfires tear through south of France

Yahoo News UK 1 hour 41 minutes ago 
Homes and cars destroyed as huge wildfires tear through south of France


  I  am not sure about anyone else .......... but i am  fucking   sick and  tired of  milton ........ (what i shite  name ...... who  gave  ...