Tuesday, July 25, 2017

no sympathy

i live in south flroida ..............the clown capital of the world ......i think macdonalds sends  all the yellow idiots clowns here  for training .......

south florida is a sunshine state............ it should be  named the clown capital state .....the drivers  here  are pure  adulterated wankers ......you can get a  licence even if you do not speak english ........how ya gonna read fucking signs ........

we have every fucking nationality and  dirtbag living here ......including me .......but i can read signs ........

its a fucking bunghole of humanity.......... with good weather .......but the  drivers here  are  fucking complete fucking douchbags ....especially boca and  fort lauderdale ........

and the shitkicking bastards......... with camouflage pick ups............. and truck exhaust pipes .......well we all know what the fuck thats about .........

still ...........if you fuck with somone on the road .........you should be jailed for a year.......... a car is  a........weapon pure and  simple .....it should be law .......it would  cut down the  fucking clowns ...............

Michigan Man Sentenced to 22 Years For Fatal Road Rage Beating

WXMI - Grand Rapids 15 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......