Thursday, July 27, 2017

the reason i do not care is

the reason i do not  care about this is .......because i  do not  care about the  military ......i truly believe all military is a complete  fucking scam ........

the armed  forces uses  people called  cannon  fodder .........its a fucking business........and people  are  just pawns  for  armed  forces  ......

they get  brainwashed  and lose  their identity......sent to die or  get maimed  for  a pittance of a  paycheck......

as i do not like  being told  what to.....  do by anyone ....... or  than my parents ......... who are gone ........

but the  armed forces is a  business ........ and recruits  people  to serve  them.........  to get killed in  war...........  and war  is  just a rich mans   games ........

every time they fire a  bullet ........or  a missile..........  some  white  rich  guy  gets  more  bucks  for  his  Mistress's ......... and  yacht ....

still if you feel you need  to be  bossed  around......  and  lose  your identity.......... and be  told  what to  ......... do  all the time .......only to  be  killed......... or  maimed   .....then roll up........  roll up !!!!!!......there is  room in the tent  for you ....!!!!!!

trans genders or  fence jumpers  dies just  as painfully as  ordinary  folk .......the army does  not  care if you live or  die !!!!!!!!......

they will  simply fill your  boots  even  have to pay for the   clothing you  get  killed in  ......good  job dumb ass!!!!!!

Highest ranking retired transgender officer slams new plan: I think Trump is ‘being influenced by Pence’

 Daniel Brown,Business Insider 17 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......