Thursday, July 20, 2017

the maury povich show

Maury povich has been on air for  as long as i have been in America ............i have been here  25 years .........if you try ad  add  that up  .......its a lot of  fucking low self esteem worthless  human beings dying for  attention........

obviously these people have no self worth ..........or  respect  .............who would go on national TV and spread their secrets ............

it shows  there  are  no   shortage of low life  human beings .......after  all there are  approx  ........... nearly or there about  265 million people  in the  USA .......53 percent  women ...........and  the rest  men..........  and  whatever  gender ............ they wanna  call themselves .........of course  minus  the  kids  from  that  amount ........

but if you consider ........... that at least 98-99% of the population is absolute  useless ............. it leaves  enough for  us  to have  some  faith in the system ...........

but mostly  the masses  are  wasters .........ask  any functional human being..........  and they will give you the  same  numbers...........most people  are  pure  bastards  genetic  pre-disposition......... its   genetically inbuilt in them .........

so this is why Maury povich is one  successful long time  shows............ Ike his rival  Jerry springer ......

there is  no end to  fucking slugs...........  and  idiots............ if there were  ........... there would be  no  Jerry or  Maury .......

its syndicated in 35  countries its popularity is  amazing long as  there are motherless .......... fatherless.........  abandoned ..........and  distraught  ..........unfaithful  ..........drug ridden............ and  totally  lying incompetent assholes.........  Maury......... and  Jerry  Will  just  keep  getting richer...........  and  richer ............

the old  appendage............  for one  smart  person there  are 10 thousand  fools  born.......and this is  the proof .........


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......