Wednesday, July 19, 2017

drugs do ot distinguish

why would anyone care about a drug ridden neighbourhood ...........there are  Moe important things in america taxation......... and  war  .........and oil .........

drugs are  not up  there  with  child  hunger  suicide homelessness ...........America is  business ............ and drugs  help  eradicate people  .............he is just another  statistic .....sad is it may seem ............ but its the truth .......

fentanol .......not  sure  why people  even  consider looking at these  drugs ............ they know  they are lethal ........

someone  sold it to him ...........or  whatever  ....but  its  just another  life  gone ...........govt  does not  want to solve  the  drug crisis could ............ but why .......its a  business  .......oil is  more  important.......... so is  bombing   countries  .......more  money in that .......

whats  another  young life  gone  ......there  are plenty more ...........someone ............ somewhere ............  is  dealing in death    .........but  they are  also  making money............ and in  America  money is god ..................there  will be  more  kids   come  along ........


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......