Wednesday, July 26, 2017

kardashian family .........

the kardashians have made millions from  empty headed .......simple minded...... pre-pubescent mall rats ......and  probably some fucked up in the head ......grown ass people ...........

can you imagine this family .....the daughters have done low budget porn .......

the  mum is  fucking a younger  guy......

khloes husband........ almost died in a Nevada  brothel........

and this  dumb prick ........ gets  canned  by a  tubby  whore......

and the dad  a decathlon Olympic medallist ....... becomes a  fucking Chick   ...... a  fucking nasty ass  chick .......

what a fucking  family of  role  models .......this is  not normal shit ......or is it !!!!!!!.......

whoever gives these  shit plugs money  has  a  cranium disorder....... it has  to be  low self esteem .......simple minded ......... fucking insecure  .......pre-pubescent chicks........ whose mothers tell them they are worthless .........

no straight man would buy their  shit ......unless he has a closet  somewhere ..........or jacking off to the young ones .......

I mean i have no room to talk about  family .......fucked up is an understatement .......but at least my dad was   not a tranny ........

the fact is ......the daughters  are  just casual about their  dad  being a woman .......what son would  accept this ......sorry  maybe i am  being un-understanding of a  severely demented  family straight normal man i  know would  accept their  dad  being a fence  jumper .........

this is the difference  between men..... and  women .......women will accept any shit .......

a normal man will not ........just how it is .......unless  he is a  De-balled......  spineless .........white married  tosser .......... who is  a  sub-servant mummies boy .......which i am afraid  happened  in the murky  tail end of my  families  gene pool ........

now my gene pool is  the equivalent of  a buzzard perched on a  septic tank .........after  my dad died...... the water  started  clouding ......that's what usually happens ..........

but apparently ....this bunch of  monkey brained.... narcissistic called reality shit plugs .........are classed as  an all American  family ........which is  really just as  bad  as the Kennedy's ......they same to be some sort of  American TV  royalty 

America........ being a a culture less economic engine  only cares about money .......and its clearly noticeable  by who  America  makes rich and  famous ........

class is  not  defined  by how much money you  have ...........well it is in America  you are defined  by your  crass ............ and  your image and what you have .........

kardashians are worth millions...... so thes is a measure of  how  fucking stupid  people are  ......there are  dumb bastrads mostly women obviously ...... all over  ........making this  fucked  up   family of  circus performers ....... rich and  famous .......shows you their  moral compass ........

even the two  youngest are already little  skanks on the up ......what can you expect when you see  mummy ......... fuck a young guy......... a  daddy  become and old   bag !!!!!!!!!

 Kardashian Goes Underground While Blac Chyna Flashes New Car (and Man)

 Taryn Ryder 13 hours ago 

I LIKE TAYLOR BUT ,.........

  Listen .......i think taylor  swift talented......  smart ....... and  of  course ......  very ....... very.........  and i mean.............