Wednesday, July 26, 2017

i see this all the time ....................

i thought i would bark on this rant i have  seen it more times than i care to remember..........

over the course of my existence  .......a lot of  my de-balled spineless....married friends ....who  got  caught up in life....... and  dumped their  bros ......(we all know it happens .......when a guy gets  married .......... the wife  gets you to hang out with her  friends  husbands you can all talk about the  same  things ).......

but anyways  .....eventually........ i see the guys who are single ......and paying child  support.......... and i ask them hat happened ........they inform me  ....oh  you know  how it is !!!!!!!!! ..............well actually i do not  know  how it is .........  becasue i  stayed  away from  having my balls  clipped  and  my spine  removed ........

and here is  what happens  next !!!!!!!!.........the  guy  says  dam it !!!!i .......... saw the wife the other  day ............. she lost weight ...........she  dyed  her  hair ............. and  now  she  is  all  hot .........and  shit .......!!!!!!!

now is the  confusing part of  all this  ......if  she had the  brains  to  keep looking  like a slut when she  was  married ........  maybe the kids  might still have a  father .......why did she  get all  fat  .......and  dowdy  ........and let her  shit go  !!!!!!...only until  she   split get a new  man .......

and you know  sure  as shit on  a camels  ass ........... she will get another guy........ and  do the same ......

he said "why did she not do this  while i was  with her'........ .......familiarity breeds  contempt.....thats what it is ........

i think its  complete  fucking  idiocy ...........  if the woman  had  kept  up appearances .......... then the husband  would not stray .......

men  have not  evolved .......... all they want is food ....... and   sex  .......primal shit !!!!!.......this is why  marriages  fail ......some  women  know  this............  and   do a great  job .............

look at Hollywoods   beautiful women........... the guys  are sicking of  porking them   .....its the same  scenario .....

look at Hallie  berry ....guys  got sick of  fucking the  most  genetically perfect female on the planet .........

her  first husband  was  addicted  to online  porn ......

i mean you are  fucking the hottest  women on the planet ....... and  still whacking off to   chicks on the net!!!!!!!.........there you go !!!!!!!......

same with guys ........... as  soon as  you let go........ or  stop .........and get fat......... and  losing hair ....... women  will start  looking for the  bad  boy simple ......

you have to keep the  fires  burning !!!!!!...........simple fact ........this is why men  find women  attractive........

  .....its not  your intellectual capacity as a human beings.......... to  converse in thermal combustible  fusion......

.or  advanced  quantum physics ........

or the  you ability to  define DNA strand theory at a molecular level ......

or the intricate variations of  aviation combustion.... under immense  pressure  ........

no sirree  bob !!!!!!!! do not want that shit  ........and sex .......mostly sex first .......and  food  later ........

women portray that image when you date them at first  think they have found  sexual and  culinary utopia  .........  because you eat .......drink ......and  fuck ........but women change that when you move in together ......fact !!!!!.....and this is when men  get  confused ......especially dumb white men ......they are the worst!!!!!! ........

it never ends  because  every man  thinks  every new  woman is  different  .......

but they all  come  with the same  game plan.......

and the  crazy part its all good for business .....every one  makes out n the  deal .......except the guy .......

becaue he has to go see his  kids  .......while  a new  man is  fucking his wife .......and the kids  are  starting to call him ....... mummies  friend .....eventually daddy .......when the  money starts to come  around  .........and the kids  want something ........just a  fact ......


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......