Thursday, June 29, 2017

there realyl is only one reason your kid is a brat ......your a shite parent !!!!

I grew up seeing how a shite mother does not  know how to raise a kid.......

First of all ..........i never had  any kids .......i  was  never brainwashed .........or  fed guilt enough to succumb to family pressures ............

and as we  all know.......... the girl usually does it to get all the attention that one too ..........and trap some poor  bastard.............

The information my father  gave me on a regular  basis is ..............the  The proverbial 4F"S.............or as they would have it  in the Vietnam war ........"if it floats  flies  fucks  rent it!!! ........

Of course no one wants you to believe that when you marry that a women............ is  going to use the kids  as  collateral in a divorce .............when the man gets  fed up with her pussy!!!!! say .......well there in lies the truth .....again ......sorry !!!!!!!

Brats !!!!!!!!........well when i was  growing up Scotland............i watched the two women get married .....and  spawn children ..........
unfortunately for my parents ............there  journey into grandparent hood........ was a myriad of  bribery.............emotional black mail .....and some  sort of  financial  aid of  some sort ,,,,,,,,,inorder to  keep them them seeing the children .........

This is how i saw what  having a kid was  all about .....

And not to mention ...........the kid  being allowed  to destroy the  house  we lived in.............  without  ramifications and  outcome .........

And till this day.......... it still continues as far as i am led to believe  ............nothing changes in these small minded  backward towns .........

I will never  experience  grandparent hood ..........or fatherhood ........i am  glad in a sort of way ......... as i  do not   want  fucking  crying ..........and  moaning  when it comes  to my day .........its  a fucking sham .......

I guess i never  left a trail of  unwanted  children ............only because i  saw what the fuck it does ........

Not all families are  like this...............  but   children are fucking hard  work .......and today the  kids  are  little   fuckers  ...........and answer you ...........  back i have  even seen them hit their mums  young as   3 years old .......

You are tied to your kid..........  until you  die never  get rid of  them ............and when you  have  grand kids  you are  used lies........saw it   all the time   ...fucking night mare .......

even to a point the  situation was so  fucking bad ..............the women  had  to give the  child our family  name  ........... because the father.............  was  such a  fucking loser  beyond parents   had to look after them .......its  disgusting .......only for the selfish pricks to abuse the  family name ........

you should not reward your  child  because it does something.......that its meant to do .... i never  was .......

Today's parents  do not let their kids  have freedom ......... ....which we  all know is  because there  are too many fucking pedos ..........incidentally  need  hanging for those  bastards

And  i have said it many times............ the mothers and the  sons ...............that's is  some  sickly obsession  ....of  course ............... no women will ever  be  good enough  to fuck your  son ..........ever !!!!!...........and you  have t  let them go .........

And daddy's little  girl......well old man  ...............some  fucker is  going to bang her see  you done the same thing............. you banged a  teenager sneaked into the  house  and  done  all sorts  of  shit .......

and now its your  turn .....fucking blows  huh ............!!!!!!thinking a  guy  is  eating her ass in a parking lot ........who said life is  fair !!!!!!!..........

Yep cycle of  life done it now its  your  turn  ............but we never thought about when we  were  young ........

Sometimes  even fathers ......... have  wife's the  same  age  as  their daughters ..........but that's  called  fresh pussy in men's term ......that's because you have  upgraded to a newer  model..........

because of the freeloading ...........empty headed insecure liberals  laws have been allowed  that  a kid  can divorce you or  charge  you .....

we  all know  it was  not a real Man that  brought in these laws................   some pussy whipped man  under his  wife's  thumb ......... fat thumb

your kid was last in the  marriage  ..........but  its treated   more important than the husband   ........
wrong !!!!!............the french do it the right way .....simple .......the kid  is last in its treated  as  such  ....

American women have it all wrong.......... they put the  kid first .............and this  causers  problems .........

 fact .......this is why there are  so many broken marriages and  single mums ............ the women  put the  man last and  he  accepts  it .........

because if he complains ........... he will  get it from the families ............ its passed down ............its wrong a child  does not run a marriage  ..............

never ........... its the demise of  a  family kid  has that much power ................

and finally.......... the parents have to have some gram of  self respect.......... if they do not then it Will  pass on to the kids  ......
most women regret  having kids............ because they missed life ............well when you  open your  flaps ..........and  got jizzed......... you know there is  a risk ................simple ......your choice  have to be  a mum or  a  choose a  motherless life 

 .....i know a few that never had  kids .......... and  they are so happy .......i congratulate them ......

but your kid is not the greatest kid on the planet all the bumper stickers  are  not going to   help .............makes  sure you spoil the kid with  love  not  material possessions .......

Its easy to buy your kids  love and  silence  ......its harder  to spend  valuable   emotional bonding time ......

As we all know a  lot of  women have  kids  for all the  wrong reasons .............guilt ..........pressure........  just like  weddings ............i have seen it  .......  time and  time  again .....

All you will do............ is pass the legacy on........ and their kids  will do the same  they will follow  suit .......
if they think its okay  for you not to have  a father  they will .......simple .......happens  everyday..............

that's not to  say the women is  wrong......... raising a kid without a  father she   has no choice .......

but people  seem to split........ and fight.........and divorce   easier  these  days ........maybe they think they can do better..........


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......