Tuesday, June 27, 2017

studio 54 .....wh

The 70's was the time .................
it was said if you can remember the seventies ........then you  never had a  great time .......
it was the  best music  ever ....the greatest artists....the greatest music  ....the great times .......and of  course  all the sex and  music you  could ask for ......becasue we all know  women and the vag today are all about money ......then it was not  such a big deal ........but now  mothers  have  turned their  girls  into a pussy auction (how much can you  get for your  vag ).........

the clothing was  epic.......... and  all the  great designers catapulted all fashions .........

now all you have   is  manufactured  conveyor music  auto tuned ........ by the likes of kanye west .....
very few  songs  have a story in them ....and  everyone is  just  making music  for money not  for  music ..........and just filling stadiums........

In the  seventies  musicians  were  too busy having a  blast ......now the musicians  are  all  about money .,...cars ............ houses ......and  no real talent as  computers  can clean and  Wash  out  bad  music ......

there area  few   around now ......like Taylor Swift........... who has  changed the  game  and is  a  real  player ............i have to hand it to a beautiful women............ who bangs  dudes ............and makes millions  .....but she is  a pioneer ......

Anyone can make a record  now .......... and  all they have to  do is  put a house  beat to it ........and  make money ......

musicians in the seventies  were  real as  hell........... and  were  all about the music .......they lived  loved and  died  by the  music .........

Now the  music world has  been sterilized......... and the artists  cannot even do what the  older ones  do ..........they leave a  concert........  and  they are  run  by  attorneys ..........and  agents ...... who will   not let them  do  shit  ,,.......because today   everyone is  lawsuit happy ......

even if  someone  thinks a  beat has  been stolen ............. they sue ......there is no  loyalty ..........

the music business is  fraught with backstabbing........... and   disloyalty........ its the nature of the business ........

You don't need  to be that  good.........  to get rich  .........kanye west  .........jay zee......all i  have heard  jay zee  do ..........is say  yeah !!!!!!!......kanye .......... auto tone ......mothefucker is  delusional ........i feel bad for his kid  .......all his  friends  are  going to know his  dad is  a wanker .........

and  country music ..........is pop  .......Florida  Georgia line .......the music is  marginal ..........but beer  and music  ......thats  all you need  when people are drunk ......they will listen to any shite ...........

country  music ......... now is not that complicated  to make .....all you need is to throw in truck ..........cheating ,..........beer  ......a  bar ......a  chick ....and  a dog ........and look  how many songs ....you have  .......

And the lkes of creed  ,............and  nickleback ...........i am not sure who the  fuck in their  right mind ............bought that  shit  .....but your  not right in the  fucking head ......noth these  cunts  always  sounded like they needed  a shit !!!!!!!!!

music is  about filling arenas .......fucking  the people  out of  as  much  money as you can  for  a ticket .................a fucking ten dollar  beer ...........8 dollar shitty nachos ........and  a 8  dollar  burger.........and  a  shitty  t-shirts  for  30 bux..........

and in all defence  .....it  is not only music that does that  shit  sports too ........look at how  sports fans  get fucked  .......go to  any  baseball game ........ or hockey game .......and no one  gives you free lipstick or a  fucking jar of  vaseline ........and if you are a  a parent .......your  ring is  gonna sting !!!!!!!!!

case in point........... ticket master .....just a  corporate   fucking machine ......... greedy corporate  bastards ................i have to say ..........one of the  best  groups  around  ............pearl  jam  ....shoved their  faces in it .........

The seventies was a  time like no other  .....everything else  was spawned  for  the  seventies .......the influence  was  amazing .......the women were  awesome  ........not fucked in the  head  as much as  todays  and  natural ........and slutty ......no PT's

the  sixties  was  the start  the  foundation of music ........then the  seventies  just  knocked it out ........

I feel  blessed  to lived  them times .......... like no other .......

music is  now is  greed  ....narcissism .....wealth  ........how big a mansion you have  .......

Anyone  can cut a track  .........   tech nolgy  has   opened  up  taht  .........and sell it .......... with the  right amount of  beats .......it does not  matter  ......because in a club now  .........people  only  wanna  get fucked  up.............  and   dance  to   32/64 beat ........ Ecstasy infused music ..............

Even today ...........vinyl has  made   a resurgence ...............a  huge  resurgence ................thanks  to the like of  Taylor  swift ............truly a pioneer in the  game ......she is  rarity ........

Last year 600 million vinyl records were  sold............. and  over 2 million turn tables were  sold in the US ............

We  will never  see a return to the  seventies ........... it was a  one time  deal ........too many  laws and attorneys .............. now  fucking up  everyone  fun ......

Attorneys  have  ruined  every ones  fun .....you cannot  do shit ...............but they are  looking to make money from it ......its the  nature of  a  parasitical occupation ............attorneys only care  about fucking someone  out of  cash .........(they are on a much larger  scale of  like  a whore )........

even musicians  Carnot even do shit......... becasue of  them  they ruin everything ...........

still as long as people are  willing to be  fucked out  of their  cash ........there will always  be a someone  will to  fuck  them ..........

We really have to think the  greatest decade of music  for what the trail of  colourful  geniuses it   left us .........it spawned  some  greatness .....of which the like we  will never   see  again .......

Studio 54  was  the   iconinc  start of  all the  fun ...........i wished i had  went  ....... but i  know lots of people  that did ............ and  they said it was like nothing else  they ever  experienced  ......

there was no Velvet rope  ....if you had it you got in  .....simple .................

celebrities Had Way More Fun Than We Thought At Studio 54!

Music |

If you've never heard of Studio 54, either you've been living under a rock since the dawn of mankind, or you're opposed to having a great time at clubs. Gen X'ers and millennials alike all know about one of the most iconic clubs to ever exist in New York City.
Pictured here are some of the A-list celebs who frequented the infamous, one-of-a-kind club known as Studio 54. In the photo are Olympic athlete-Bruce Jenner, the King of Pop-Michael Jackson, actress and model-Valerie Perrine and Jane Fonda.
Studio 54 was a club located on, you guessed it, 54th street in New York City. It first opened it's doors on April 16th 1977 and stayed open for a short 33 months, but making approximately $7 million in its first year.
You see, not only was this club open to the weird and those who wanted to express themselves, it was also frequented by many a celebrity. Let's take a look back at some of Studio 54's most memorable moments.


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......