Tuesday, June 27, 2017

common sense .......and the lack thereof...........................

Asking for  15 bucks and  hour for the low paid workers ........liberals has  to know thing was going to shit can !!!.....or maybe they lack common sense .....

When you go to  mickey dee's for your el cheapo luncho ........or  taco hell .......for that tasty..... so called 5 dollar box.......do you know why they can afford to give you it at that price .......well simple .....monicadonna.......or or Leon .....or Steve....or sue ......is working for  shit .......yep!!!!crap wages ......

And here is the funny thing about crap wages..........bosses know there will always be the  aforementioned names of people willing to work.......for  crap wages .......
not a joke ........a fact.........and as long as there are  people willing to work for crap wages there will always be  ....5 dollar lunch boxes ......

this is how it is .......slave labour in  modern times .......no liberals want a  15 dollar an hour  rise .....the same as  a certified AC guy gets that  works for an AC company .....or some sort of  so called  skilled  worker......

In America ....liberals want  equality  for all .......thes is why i have to say ......your  all fucking  mentally retarded.......as fuck !!!!!!

here is  where it all goes wrong .......In America .....the words like fairness equality .........jobs ..........work ...........do not equate  to much more  than .....your only as  good as  the  next dumb fucker ........ who will do the  job for you  or  less ...........

America  does not  give a  fuck about the worker ......it has proved this on such a  scale  .........they even farmed out American jobs  to  Chinese ............ and Indians  in  foreign countries  where they are fucking peasants........... and done it for  next to nothing 
why !!!!!!!You  ask  ...........well third world immigrants do work for next to free .......how do you think wal-mart  works if you don't  .....your  a  stupid  fucking cunt !!!!!.......that's it!!!!....

CEO's and captains of industry only care about one  thing ........the  fucking bottom line ......they want to take all the money ......so they can have their  yachts ......homes ....cars ......mistresses .......yes  mistresses......oh no.........  !!!!You say ....not Mistresses.....yes  fucking bimbos who  get fucked  by these  bosses  who  go on  company  conventions to be away from their wives  and  kids.............  because they wife's body has  gone south............. and  the kids  are costing him a  fortune ....
they all cheat .....the  wife either  knows  ............or  not  does not  Care  .............she  has  her  fake tits  her  friends  the  lunch ...............  the clothes ............ the  closet full of designer  shit ......the  car ..........
its the American  dream  for  CEO's.......the  white  big boss  needs  something to rag  about at the golf  course ............. while  he wrings hands  with the  other  white  buddies ....

there may be a  few  honest  CEO's ......but that's like lotto  numbers ......chances  are   great  and  beyond......
its the Male ego .....the pride .......the  man needs  to feel he  still got it .......the male midlife  crisis ......if you  did  not know  that  ....your still a  stupid  fucking cunt !!!!!!.......

So with that  been known ............we  all know  the bottom line is the  dollar ......and  CEO's have supreme teams  of  analysts ...............(funny   how that  title  has the  word  anal in it )..........
as you all know a CEO....will earn in an minute what a  fast food worker will  earn in a week ........he deserves it .....doesn't he!!!!!

He must deserve it......... otherwise  why would would you support his  Enterprise ......unless your  enslaved  to his products and love what he  has to offer ......not  a hard one to figure out !!!!........

liberals like everyone else............. love the sound of their own voices ......but do shit .......no one  bands  together .....they  form a crowd .............. and there is  always one  with a  megaphone ....(he is the loudest and needs  the most attention  because he  has  abandonment issues ...).............usually they get dispersed ........fear .....that's the  word  to get them  gone .....

All they will do ............ is  re-shuffle the  figures ........... dynamics.............. and the product the cost ........... slice  a bit of here  ............ a  little bit less there ..........and of  course  less hours ...........  means  no insurance  ...........this is how  it works .....
all MacDonald's  need   to do ..........is  hold  back a few  fries  ......which  relates to millions  of  dollars .............a lighter burger ......and  smaller  bun ......and  boom !!!!!!....millions  saved .......

The minimum wage worker  will  always be...........  and get fucked ............. he will lose  all the time  because you want the  dollar  value meal deal .......the 5  dollar  box  ..........the  cheap deal at wal-mart..........the bargain ......

the only winners  are  the  CEO's ......you think you are getting a bargain  but you are not  ......all you have  done is  move the  margins around .............. and the  guy who gets  15 bucks an hour now   ..............works  less ......has  benefits  cut ......you   still get your  fries  for a buck .......you  5 buck box.....

Captains of industry.............. has  an  army of   people they pay to do all the fucking shit work for them ......and as long as you get your  deal ...........you don't  give  a  fuck ....

Communion sense  will never  prevail ...........as  loyalty is not value today .............there will always be  a person will to step into your  warm shoes.......... for  a price ......there is no job    security ......
and people  especially from foreign countries ............are   always  willing to work for  less  ........and less.....because that's how it works ......

that's  why all the  American jobs  went  abroad ....................why  so the  Captain's  could save  a bundle ............from your hide  ...they do not care if you have  a wife and kid ......or kids .....its  merely business ....nothing  else......

America  is great  country............. as  long as you know .....its a  business !!!!!!!!

A 'very credible' new study on the $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals



  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......