Friday, June 30, 2017

road rage = wanker

There is no excuse for  road rage just reveals  all along have  been a complete  fucking shit plug .......only driving   has  brought it out of  you ..........

If you cannot  control yourself .......... like a normal human being ....while  driving on the road are a cunt ............

anger is  self hatred  means you have  deeper seated  issues ...........and you are unhappy with say.......... your wife  /kids/job/mistress/friends.........

the car  like alcohol bringing out the  worst in you ....that's  all ...........

driving is a privilege..............pure and simple ...........
I live in south Florida .......probably ..........the  wanker  capital of  America ..........

its a  fucking  shit hole of humanity ............its   infested  with  immigrants............ (me being one obviously)...............old  retired whining bastards .........mainly from new York .....predominantly boca raton................(incidently...... sidebar does one  manage  to sell  a  property  in place that is  called  rats mouth ......still amazes  me )...........loud  crass young money ............  and  a myriad of human fecal matter  beyond  description........

Any monkey and their uncle...............  can get a licence in  south Florida sit a  test .......... any cunt ............ who does not even have to speak English can get a drive around a mall was  so  easy to get .......

I have been here a  long time ...........and its one of the  worst driving places i have  lived to Atlanta  .....another  cunt kingdom ........that's  just  shit kicking mentality pure and  simple .......

i mean  what the  fuck is your hurry you  dumb prick ............i have  always said you are  lost if you  cannot  even give yourself  enough time  to do  a  chore or  simply get there in time ........

i have  heard people ............. say they do not  have enough time ......thats  bollocks ........

excuses are for people  who are  failing themselves cannot  blame the  wife  and  kids ....... or  vice  versa ........

If you are going say 20 miles.......... you  should give yourself enough time get somewhere ...........because you there are  cunts on the  road ......

road rage is  inexcusable on any level  ......if you get  angry while  driving...........  you  are  lost has  gotten the  better of  you my friend .......simple ......


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......