Thursday, June 29, 2017

religion a pile of shite heres the proof .......

I have said it before ............and will say it again .....religion pure  bollocks was put here  for the  sole  purpose of indoctrination control and power .......

And we all know the people at the top are phonies ........

if you don't then your too far gone  ..............

too many  incidents of  abuse.......... and  sexual abuse........  make it so ridiculous ...............

But the bible is  full of  oxymoronic principles and ideas ................but then.......... it was  was  written by  drunk old  bastard  ........uneducated prophets ........

And in case you did not know .........Adam and eve  .........was   re -made  form Adam and Lilith  .......because Lilith ...........was  too powerful........ and making Adam look  bad  and weak.............hence they  have  an event called  the Lilith  fair ............

But if you love to  be lied to............ like most people .......and  become parents ............. then religion ties  into your  existence  perfectly ..................................

Atheists  know its  all bollocks........... and  i am one...........  i only truly believe your  either  good or bad ........there is  no right or  wrong ...............just the  truth ......parents  hate it .....burns  their  ass ..................

religion keeps millions of people in poverty  ...........and  control  ......look how it is in the third  world  ...........those  cunts  are too  fucking stupid  to  know  any better ............

i dated a  seventh day Adventist form  Brazil ........and she  was  so  brainwashed .................but a whore in bed ........found no other  reason to keep her  around .....she was no the brightest bulb in the  box ........but  sex was  amazing ...........sometimes you have to make  allowances  for  stupidity ..........

As long as there are  weak people  needing  led ............. there will always be predators ............its  human nature ......human beings are  predatorial by  genetic pre- disposition ......

religion is  a great  business ......... .this is why it flourishes in America !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

secrets Televangelists and Star Pastors Don’t Want You To Know

Televangelists and television preachers have the ability to become hugely successful and influential individuals, but some have lost their way while on the road to fame and fortune. Many of the most prominent figures in the industry have fallen from grace and have been outed as the biggest hypocrites imaginable. Read on to find out some of the most scandalous stories about these famed preachers.

Jim Bakker

Jim Bakker was one of the most prominent evangelist preachers of his day, serving as one of the members of Jerry Falwells’ Moral Majority and co-hosting the PTL Club with his wife at the prime of his career. However, his crystal clear image shattered when allegations were brought on against him for paying off a former church employee named Jessica Hahn after she claimed that he forced himself on her. Additionally, it was found that he was pocketing large sums of money from donations that was donated by followers.


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......