Wednesday, June 28, 2017

famous actor loses home in fire

johnny  galecki....lost his home in a  California wild fire.......people everyday lose their homes to  disasters .......

Its never a  good  thing......but i am  hoping he had it insured ......after all he is  famous ............and  not  struggling if he didn't he is a putz ....

but anyways point is .....there is  always a  risk  whenever  you decide to live in a  place like  California .......
 not only is  California expensive........ and  overpriced,.......but its very desirable .......and it  can have a  flood ,,,,,,,, and a  drought all at the same time ................

Not too mention has earth quakes ....and all sorts of  god forsaken shit storms   ........

i have never  been there desires  to  go  there   dwindle as i get older ......i  would have should have went there  ......many .......many years  ago .....although a  free holiday ......... would not  go amiss ........

In America  all states  are   mostly the same  ......same malls  .........same  shops .......just the people  differ ....and the climate ............i have  been  to the  grand canyon  las  Vegas ......blah !!!!!blah .......!!!!so on ......and  so  forth ...........

Well johnny  galecki  has dosh/cash/flims  he  might re-build ...and   do  better .........

I have to say in all fairness ......... maybe i have a  bolt  missing ....but when my house  burns  down......or  gets  swept away .......its a  sign ......for me  to move on ......

I have  seen people  in hurricanes.......... and  floods and  fires   lose  everything ........and they say........they will  start allover  again .......i personally think its  insanity  on a  level  beyond ......

When you decide to live in  some  sort of  earthquake  zone ..........or  some  hurricane path .....or a forest know its a matter of  time .....before you get  shit canned ......simple  dynamics  ....mother nature is not kind  at all .......

I personally think you take a  chance  where ever you live ..........but  living in a known  zone ......... you know its    gonna  happen you might think  it would be a great opportunity  to move ........

but.......... we  all as humans ......... are  different in our  thoughts.........  and  if  we  all thought like  i did  .........the world would be a boring place ...........

I am sure  johnny boy ...........will just re-build.........  after all .........he is rich ............ not a great  deal to  employ a  bunch of dudes.........  to  re-build  ......but he is  not the only  guy that lost his  house  that day .........

only because he is  famous.......... the  media  love it .....i am  sure...........  a few   less  fortunate  people  around  him  who  are less  fortunate .......

Good Morning America

'Big Bang Theory' star's home burns down in California wildfire

 KARMA ALLEN,Good Morning America 14 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......