Friday, June 23, 2017

doanlad wants a rich man to run america

What's wrong with  wanting a rich man to  run  american  economics  least they know  how  to  make money ......

why are people   being so insecure 

America is not a  country ......its a  fucking  business .......... a war machine ........... a  money maker  never  has ...........and  never  will care  about its  people ........

the bottom line is  america is the amighty  dollar  bill ......if you think i am wrong cannot  do  shit without money .....its the  bottom  line dont  pay the bills  ..........all women will try and  convince  a dumb  guy  ........but if  he   ain't got no job......... or  security.........   see  how  long she will  stay around  ......

I know....... i know  ........women  hate it  when you say it  ........ but its  the  truth  the whole  truth and you know how  women hate the  truth ......if they like the  truth ........they will never  make  good parents ......just facts!!!!!!! .........

You  are not  going to  meet  ........and    make it with a woman ......... if you  are  broke.......... and living in your  car .......women are  looking  to be  captured  by security .........  a  job....... a  house ......fact !!!!!!not   frozen  fucking fairy tales .......fairy tales  are  for little  girls  ............. who are  being groomed  just to be like their  mummies ....

So thinking a poor man  can run america  your  fucking stupid  as  fuck ......!!!!

 in america  money is  god.......GOD  being of  course  .......Gold ......Oil and  Diamonds .....all the 3  equally   are   money 

Good Morning America

Trump: 'I just don't want a poor person' dealing with economic issues in my administration

 DAVID CAPLAN, CAROLINE COHEN and DYLAN WELLS,Good Morning America Thu, Jun 22 5:01 AM EDT 
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......