Tuesday, June 27, 2017

cultures and traditions ......pure bollocks

Growing up in a strong culture ....i always hated the stupidity that was intertwined in its  roots ........the  beliefs   and  renderings of the cultures .......

beliefs and cultures ........... are  a  simple  brainwashing system to keep people in line ......it is for no other reason .......

can you imagine if  every one on the planet had an individual idea .........

American culture .....its not  much of  a culture  ....but it is  one  of  greed  and  materialism ......its one  less  than 250 years old ......

but you have cultures  that if you do not  abide  by them  ............death is  the  only way out ........in some  cultures  the  women is  burned  alive ........when the  husband  dies ......how  fucking retarded .....

some women  put saucers in their  mouth ......

some cultures   believe  in  circumcision of  male Wang ........listen up if you were  meant to be circumcised .........you would be  born   with a cut  dick  .....this  was  Pilgrim mentality .........  derived  many ......many years   ago .......

look at Muslim women they are covered  up .......

some middle Eastern  dudes  ........ beat themselves  to they bleed...why .........i do not  know .....

Passover  and  Jewish tradition........full of fucked of up  beliefs .......

and of course  ..........the white  bastards belief  Xmas .............a  Day a fat man in a red suit........ climbs  down a chimney and  does it all n one  night .......

Some  African  cultures............ the man  covers himself in blood .......to  his  manliness ........

i despised  my culture  from  as  long as  i can remember .............i just thought it  was  ridiculous   with the sword  dancing ............and  men  doing the  gay  Gordon ...........which  now  today  gay  Gordon   could be a  shop keeper  from  dumfries shire ............

Religions ......beliefs.....and  cultures .......were invented .......... so men and  women  could not  think for themselves ........
when you have a   bunch of like minded  people  .........doing like minded  things  together........  they are  easier  to control ............it save  them from  thinking ........

Lots of people  love to be told  what to  do ...what to eat .........i am black so i  eat chicken .........i am spanish i eat rice and beans ........because its  passed  form father  to son ..............and  son and so on ......... and  so forth !!!!!........................

in small Scottish towns .......like the one i used  to live in ............ called  DENNY ...........in scotland  .....there is  a  very   noticeable  religious  divide .......between catholic and protestant ........
now this is   not  just one  town ....religion in  Scotland  is  epidemic  or  hatred......and its spawns into  football  teams .......( americans love to call it soccer  ) ......

When you have Small  depressed  towns  .........with nothing  ....unemployment.........  hatred ......... and   religion...........its  easy for  Fathers  ................to pass on that hatred  to their  sons .......this  is what happens in those   little  breeding towns .....

catholic  families  like to marry catholic  families .......... and protestant  like wise  .....catholics  love having big families  .......... they do  not  believe in birth  control  because of the pope ......

Religion like  beliefs  and  cultures  is  total   shite ........... utter  shite .......
there is no   Right  or  wrong .......there is  just the  truth ......simple   the truth .......
and these  people  hate it  .......when you start  talking to a person who hates the  truth.......and they  start  singing  LALALALLALAALALA!!!!!!!............
you really need to boot  them in the vagina  or  dick ........

Temples  ......Churches ...........synagogues....mosques ..............total  garbage  for  the  people  who  have no individual thought  ........  just to mention a few  buildings .......

i see these  white people  on Sundays ....... coming from  church ..............acting all  holy .....but you know these  guys  are fucking some other  girl ........its pure  hypocrisy .......

its better to be hated  by lots ........  than liked  by a bunch of  cunts ......... who  smile in your  face  ........and talk behind your  back .............

the bible .....Koran .....Buddha ......all the books  used  for  brainwashing ....to  indoctrine  people  into  society for  the sole purpose of  control .............
there will never  be  a shortage of people  ..........wanting to be led  ....why because they are  lost ......and  afraid .......if they were  not  afraid  ............. they would not need   so  called  Jesus a  fictitious  so called  man ......its  all bollocks ...............all of it ..

but it  all amounts  to one  thing......... stupid  people  handing over  cash ...............

i do not  believe in  any cultures  ......or  beliefs ....... especially ........my   so  called  weak ass  culture .......
i hate  it when  people say  Scotland  the  brave  .........a  bunch of  people  ...........who were  outwitted  by the  English   on the strength of  a  pen ......sad  fuckers .....!!!!!!!

as long as there  are weak ....there will always be  meek  disguised as  a  wolf  in sheep's  clothing ........

trouble is  the  flock   ..........never pays attention to the wolf 

I know as i walk amongst the sheep  every day of my life ..........and cannot  believe the bullshit people  buy into .....unreal ........

as long as there is money to be made.......... there will always  be fools  to give it  ....in the  belief  they are getting into a  place  called  heaven ......

the  greatest  scam  ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......