Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Athletes and drug.....enhancements

I find it amazing that people get shocked when they find an athlete has new using. Drugs are performance  enhancing products............

Unless your a stupid cunt....... you have to know the average cunt .......say like me .....would.....need  a boost of some sort .........but when you move into the arena. Of extreme competitiveness ......then you have to up the ante ..........

A sports are rigged on way or another

........its called entertainment ........and like everyone else ......people can be bought and sold if there is enough money ...........

Poppy Cock you say..........i say your a fucking shit plug .......why.........look at how many sports have been under investigation ......

.......FIFA........tennis ........NFL ..........and don't even get me started on the  WWF......which is not a sport .......

.but basically large steroid infused. rhoidhead........... Running around a ring ......in underpants ......grabbing each other .......while grown men and boys. Ogle at these so called sportsmen .........

lets start by saying. It's rigged .............if you think it's a sport .......you are one sister fucking ......inbred ..........John Deere tractor driving
....tobacco chewing ...jerky eating.......sumofabitch....hillbilly ........

i have always thought that men sweating on each other............ in underpants .......was very pseudo homo erotica........like a really subliminal soft gay porn. Masquerade as T V entertainment.......

.........however I have never wanted or desired to. Grapple with a man in a ring .......the closest I may get is jello wrestling with a girl in a club.......

However.......sports .....it relates to one thing ......like sex ......and all related bollocks ......money .......no athlete does shit for free .......fame motherfuckers ....fame ......and money ......its what athletes want .......no one plays the French open for free ......or NFL.........

look at. NFL.........go to the stadium ........8-10.  bucks  a ....beer ........are you fucking stupid ...........pay to park pay........ pay to get in  .....and then pay 8 bucks for a shite American watered down  beer. ...........for a rigged. Game.......that's not including the wife and kids .......Thar's an expensive day 

becoz we all know......kids are like fucking termites........those little  bastards........   never stop eating ........nachos and cheese ......hot dogs .........a nice sodium riddled.............. Meat looking product .......good job there big guy!!!!!!!!!! .........

That's the truth stadiums have rent and staff .
...and your boner to see a tight end and wide receiver .......is gonna cost you ......

.you see tight end .........wide receiver .......more homo erotica subliminal sports jock. Words.........
when I think wide receiver............ I think of a porn star doing triple. Penetration anally...........and when I think tight end ........i think Japanese porn and those little yella chicks. ....getting anally hammered.......

However that's irrelevant .......sports is money .....and you are paying through the nose ......the ads or where ever ..........
Superbowl rigged ......usually. right down to the last. 15 seconds....or even less( funny how   every final in  every sport   is  down to the wire....got tp  give them  excitement  ....)......... always ..........why.....money you stupid fuck......!!!!!!!!!....

millions to ad men. .........beer related ...trickles down to supermarkets. BBQ makers......paper plate makers.......beer. .........lets not forget beer .........big .......big .......and I mean big ..........ball park Frank's.......... and all these so called kosher hot dogs ......Oscar Meyer.....

Never seen meat that pink .....apart from around a vagina .............shaved of course 

.............even the Jewish fraternity has to get in on the action .........
they have to make money back after all 32 American companies gassed......... burned ........raped and fucked 60 million Jews........they have to be rewarded for even like the Indians...........America is great at annihilating. Folk and races.....

Although no recourse for Vietnamese or Korean. .....but hey the Japanese forced all Americans to eat sushi .......after they nuked them ......great deal .......after killing men women and children. ......good job Santa (just used that fat cunt as a rhetoric prop !!!!!)....... you  fat cunt .......

However I am straying far away from the topic .......(this one does not have a hazelnut in every bite .......).........Connor McGregor. .........Tested positive ....get in line paddy .......lance one ball Armstrong......maria. sharapova.....the Olympic runner chick. ....Flo ......mark McGuire
......Jose conseco. Blew the lid off the all American family game of baseball ......

.(what exactly is the all American family ...)..mum and dad swinging......daughter doing gag movies .........son. fucking his woodwork teacher ..........yet still managing to get to church and beg forgiveness ......who knows who cares.......
Everything as I keep seeing relates and trickled down to American corps ........getting their white hands on your hard earned cash......

simple logistic really
....its what they want..........

Look at the Superbowl......related stuff everything ..........its  touts.....as the great iconic American day. .........why because you are told......... and believe it is. ..........And you need to belong to something.......... or your not part of the family or. Friends 

Superbowl parties .....your chance to show off your man cave while.......... the wife shows off her unused....... decorative bathroom.......towels and 23 pillows on the bed....... that  you sweat  And sell yourself for..............
but it makes you look successful as long as the kids don't use them or act  unamerican ...........image image........ image .........

I have venomously veered of topic in a bizarre fashion .....but it's all tied in to money........... image and the American dream ............

NFL ......stars usually go tits up .....because they are dumber than mud ...........and get fucked by their financial gurus..........

.....sports today is a cash cow a big fucking belching cash cow. Run by billionaires ........

I think Connor McGregor  is a great athlete......

 I think personally will and could   beat merryweather

......just like I thought trump the underdog would win ..............i hope it unfolds.........

Let's not forget. America is about money ............

.....and sports and sports related items beings in vast revenues..........

Sports is just a game but with great. Rewards,...........


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......