Wednesday, May 17, 2017

we should all be ashamed .................

We should  all be  ashamed of  ourselves  just   by this  blog  if  you  are not .....your  simple  a  greedy  fucking  narcasisstical  parasitical  cunt .....with no   conscience  at all  can  you even  think of  being a  parent ......

I myself  am  disgusted  by  how  humans  have  no    conscience  of  what we  are.......its okay to  fuck   up  the planet .....leave nothing for  your  kids .......what  kind of  a cunt are  you ......i am  getting a pass on this  i have  no kids  .....i am not  that selfish ........we  as  humans  are  all fucking connected  somehow ........

Yes   6  degrees op    Kevin  bacon as its  known .......we  have    shook a hand   that  had    put  the  hand  inside  the    vagina  of a  woman  who  has   had  a  dick in her   ass ...and then in her  vagina ......and that  dick  was in the mouth  of a   person who  blew  a  person   ....male or a place   somewhere a  drunken  state ............we  are  all  connected   ...if you don't  know   .....or  was  not  aware  of  that ......then your a  simple  minded   fuck   .........who  needs  beat  with a  shovel   and  buried  alive  in a desert  like  casino ........

Just  what legacy  are  we  going to  leave in a  100 years  from  now  ....a  glowing  ball of  shite ........the kids  now   Will  not know  what  fucking tiger  or  shark is  .....because those  greedy stupid   fucking bowl of  rice ....... PAC  rim   ...insecure  stupid  Jackie  Chan  bastards ........  ....believe  shark fins  .....bear  claws      ....tiger paws.......animal parts  ......make  them  men ......listen up you little  dicked   cunts  ...........its not your  fault you are  a   small  wanged  fucker  .......its  all in your mind  breed   like  fuck    so  why do you need  animal  parts  ,.....china  makes  up most of the planet  .......but you  simply  have  not  got that  yet  ......and   don't  even  get  me started  on the  ivory you cunts........kill a massive  animals  so you can  have  a stamp   you sick  fucks  ......your head  needs  stamped on  .......

My point is   ........greed is   complete  blatant stupidity ....worse  than stupidity itself  wonder  Bernie  maddoff    bilked all these  fucking idiots .......... they were  greedy  ......when  you   never  have  enough  ,  are  always  at risk  of  getting  fucked .....simple ......its  mechanism  of  stupidity ......and rich people  are  fraught with it ......they  never  have  enough......

I personally  think  the planet will destroy us ......... before  we  destroy it we  deserve it  ........... we  are  cunts ......all of  us  i  am  no  saint   .............never  was ........  never  will be  ..........i see  the  writing on the  wall .......and  here is  the pisser  ........its  too late ........even if  tomorrow   .......... every single living being ........ had  an  emotional twangs .............  its would be a  100 years  .........before  the  healing took  effect  ....oh no you  say!!!!!!!!!  .....then your  head is  in your  dookie  den ........

We  simply  do not  care  about the  air  ....the  trash .....the ocean .......we  buy  ....   we  consume  ...we  don't  care  that in America .........   they consume  1 million    chickens  an  hour ...........  from  7  continents   ....some of  those   questionable ........... in their   animal  rights  .......1777   animals  are   killed  per  second  feed  your  fucking greedy  non  animal loving  faces  .....yet  you say you love  them  .......67 % of  all  grain is  grown  for  cattle ........... its  could  be used  to     cure  hunger   ....but your  burger is more important  than  saving lives  .....right ......i  mean   its  fucked  ...........we  are  all in  it together  .....nice  jobs  you say you want to be  parents  ....shit  cannot even love yourself.......go  figure long as you  get your  bargain at  home depot ......wal mart .......for  that short  span in time don't  care  about  where it  derived  from the  bacon  sandwich ......... no  as long as it satisfies  your need ........that's  all that matters  to you   are in   the   same  boat  .....six  degrees  of   Kevin  bacon my friend  ......what  ripples in one   continent ..........  affects  another  thousands of  miles  away  ........we  all  share the one  sun  ......its a sign  .....of  course  if your a  materialist  self  absorbed   shopaholic ........ and all you  care  about   is  the  deal .......then your lost  and so is  your  children...........  ......ultimately they will pay the  price  for your   greed ........congratulations .......


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......