Tuesday, May 16, 2017

fidget spinners .....another shite invention .......

Well only in America  ......can you sell  an absurd  item  that's  completely  fucking  stupid  and  useless   .......a  fidget  spinner....yep  its    projected  that   500 million bucks  worth of  these  inanimate  shite  plastic  inventions  are  going to    be  sold  to  mindless   fucking  mall ratesque   fuck wits  ..........why........   because  they do not  know  what to   do   ...........with themselves   .......

Here   a  revelation ........ why  don't you do  some  volunteer   work  ...........or  maybe    donate  time  to a place   that needs   help ......rather  than  fidget  like a  little  fucking bitch  that you are  ..........oh no !!!!!!!i   need  to   be  sheep minded  and  get  fucked  out  of  money   ..........by   probably   bowel of  rice  mother  fuckers .......how  much  weed  does  one   smoke  to  invent  this  dumb  fucking  shit .......

but  empty minded  millennials ......and   x  gen  pansies  will  scoff  this  shit .........   up and  walk about   being  all fashinista   ....they  should  go well  with  manicured  beards   tight  pants ......... and  Wyatt erp haircuts ......... 

Lets  face it  ..........of you  are  going to be a  cunt ......you may as well  go the  whole   enchilada ..........right  .... ....girls  will think your   cool  spinning this  dumb  fucking tool ......fidget ........ really  .........there is  always a     cure  for   fidgeting  .....and  a good  kick in the  nuts  .........

International Business Times

Do Fidget Spinners Actually Help You Feel Less Anxious, More Focused?

 Nina Godlewski,International Business Times Mon, May 15 7:28 AM PDT 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......