Sunday, May 21, 2017

My postings and rants ......

I would like to say to all who read my stuff ......thank you .......i try my best.  To see the. Absolute. Absurdity. 
..that we.  ........ As human beings.  Participate in the game of  life .........if you. Have time like me. sit .....examine ......and think about the. Absolute stupidity........human beings partake in ......we.   are.  Fucking nuts.......even. me .........
I mean.   ....the. money how. much is enough much does one. Human being need. For fucks sake.......

If all billionaires.   ...pooled together ...we. could solve.  Child. Hunger. And poberty.......but ...ego. ....and greed.   Separate this dream.  From happening .....floyd. merryweather
....has a car collection.  Worth.   50 million ....this is .   about his insecurity.  As a small man .....  you know  little  man. ...big truck.  Syndrome ......making up for.   Shortcomings .............why does Leonardo do caption about the planet. So much. .. yet.  he. Airconditions.  6 mansions .......really you hypocritical cunt many yachts. Or palace.  Does an Arab need. day he can ........our. demise is.  Unfolding.  ...due to. Our.  Greed put do each other !!!!!!! You say ....
.people are working more ......spending less time. With their. Families. a race to acquire ....newer.  kitchen .....newer car .....bigger house more payments ......for one reason. 
..image .........buying a new. Car.  For The pleasure of losing money right after you buy it ........kust to show.   Your.  Sacrifice is paying off.........america is a rounds of. Consumerism.  And the media. Put. Pressure on men to have that. Hemi!!!!!!!!real men drive hemis   And drink. ....busch beer ....and cook. On steel bbq.   From home depot. .......the truck can drag a. Boat ........or full it with manly concrete.  Chunks .....ehich no. Fucker in their right mind does.  Anyways. .......adverisers....prey on make ego.   And. Female. Insecurity. In. Order.  To sell ..........four wheelers.   To.  Even. What is the best tampon ........made. from the same stuff they wore at the. Olympics ......and why do tampon commercials.   Show.  Women happy in their period. they.  Cry....throw. shit .....and eat. I've cream.   And cry at steel. Magnolia ......probably Tampac Sponsored. That.  Fucking movie
..........its.  absurd.    ......the way. ....we.  have. Become. Disposable.  In our. Friendships.  Life. ...and.  posessions .....

We have lost. Our way.  For.  Compassion to life.   And other. Forms.
...we.  think. Animals.   Are there. To serve us. And fill out.  Stomachs ...yet.   we. Do not.  Want to see. How. It's. Done. ....hypocricy ........we. want bacon on our. I've. Cream.   On everything .....but. don't wanna see a pig.  Slaughtered.  To feed.  Us .........a song as. We. Hey it. We. Don't. Care ...........we are throw away society.  ..even relationships .....this is. Why there.  Are so many single. Mothers ......creating.  as like.  Off springs. ...who think it's okay. follow suit .........

My. Rants.  Are just to inform the. People. Who want to stop and think ......but.  those who get. Offended......its just the truth .......spun in a different.  Way. From the norm .......

It's always refreshing. To. Deliver things in different. Packages in life. .........its. not for everyone's taste........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......