Friday, May 12, 2017

is there any surprise the name caitlyn

I am not  surprised  about this  .....a  baby's  name   caitlyn  falling in popularity .......after  all  its  a   dad  from the  kardashians  ...the  most   famous  family of  fucks ups on the planet ......sadly enough   they have  become    millionaires   from   fans ....mindless   dumb ass  fans   making them  rich ....if your  role  model  is  anyone  of  the  kardashians   you may  have to  see  a psychiatrist .....this is  one  talentless  family  ...they are  famous  for  what  doing a low  budget porno ......her  dad   defending  a  murderer.......and  of  course  there is  Bruce  almighty ..........a  decathlon in the seventies  ,.....who at the  ripe old  age  of  over   60  decides  he wants  to    release  his inner  bitch ......after all that manly sporting   70 's   style ........  there must  be a  few  old  retired  athletes    uncomfortable  knowing that  bruce  was  thinking of  them  as    he  was  showering ......and you wonder  why  ......and  parent  would name  their   daughter  caitlyn ......really .......i could   see  gabby .......denise .......mandy .....mindy  .....britney .....whitney ....but when you a name  your  daughter  after  a   60  year old   transformed   decathlon ......not  a  good  thing  for  self  esteem  ...its bad  enough  girls   have  image  problems  today as it is  ......still your  choice  your  life  your  kid .....just  saying 

Caitlyn Jenner’s First Name Plummets on the Annual List of Most Popular Baby Names



  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......