Thursday, May 11, 2017

death sentence .....

Why is it  when  someone  is  sentenced  to death  they are  worried  that thee  person may die  in pain,.......did  this  fucker  not  cause  pain  when  he  did  the  crime ......apparently   Arkansas  the   strange  bible  belt  .......... holier  than  thou  states   illegally obtained   med   used   in   killing  someone   waiting   on  death row.....

Why  should  someone  on death row   be    cared  about ......the   concern is   when  someone  is   being  executed  they  suffer .......are  they not  going to  die what the  fuck   does it  matter   they   have been  sentenced  to death  for  being   fuckers .....
why  should a pedophile  be  spared  the pain and  suffering  ....did he  not  cause  that to a  family  ...or  a  mass   murderer.....

The whole   execution thing is  there is a  concern  about the  pain  a  person on death row   should  suffer ......would  hanging  not  be    cheaper  i  mean  who pays  for  the drugs   to    kill  these   fucking  assholes .....the  taxpayer.....rope is  re-useable   again and  again    you  could  possibly  get  at least    1000  hangings......  especially the  marine   cord  grade .......and  i am  sure  there will be plenty of  people  would  do  the   job  for free ,,,,save the  taxpayer  a  shit  load  of cash in the  end  ......hanging  is   very   profound  and   if   the   American  government ...made it a  media   event might change  the mind of  rapists....killers  and pedophiles  so on and  so  forth .......i am  sure  there  would be  no end  to   TV watchers......the death penalty  needs  to be  more   graphic  and  basic  .....taking  a  person on  death rows  feeling into  consideration  is   absolutely  fucking retarded ....they deserve  to die sympathy here  !!!!!!!


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......