Thursday, May 11, 2017

AVN awards .........

 This  is  the  funniest  fucking  programme  ever  ....awards   for  taking  two dicks in the  ass........The best  creampie  awards ........the   best  DP awards .........i mean  porn  its  a  big biz ....but awards  for   fucking .....when a girl is being fucked on  camera  ...she is  being fucked on  camera  ...i mean   how  much  can a   dick in the  clit  differ ......fucking is  fucking .......they have  awards  for porn parodies   rip off of   movies ......even  ninja  turtle  porn ......i am not  sure  about the  rest of  the  male  species ......but to me   people  dressing as  cartoon  characters  and fucking   beyond   fucking weird  fuck ......maybe  i am not  doing  enough  drugs   ....well   i  don't  do  any  .......but  watching  girl   being fucked  by turtles  is  not  a    turn on ......who knows  .....the planet   is  fucked ......but the  worst part of  this   whole   AVN   thing the  actresses   thanking their  lord  and  saviour   jesus   christ   for    a   double  vaginal penetration award .......go figure    religious people  are   fucked  up in  the  head .......o the  same  level  as  these   fuckers  who    go to church on a  Sunday and   hunt deer  and  kill  them ....hypocrisy 101 .....religion like  culture  is  only good  for  hypocrites .......the  truth and reality  does  not  work on these  peramiters ...........

moustache  wax  is not  cheap ...........


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......