Monday, April 10, 2017

when you think your life sucks ....then

In  america  ....image is  everything ....people  keep   telling you  how  successful their lives  are  ...even when they are rolling in  debt  or   ready  for  divorce ........but they  keep  up  appearances  right to  the  end ......i have  seen this  time and  time  again america  it does not  matter  how  your  brain is  if you have  perfect  teeth and  an incomplete  mind   ....guys will  not  care  ...image  ......image  .......even  when the  likes of  tiger  wooods ......and   so on and  so  forth ......

This  blog is  a   shining example of  how  the  american  dream it  really the  cost of lives .....some people  cannot take  failur  at all ........America is a  massive rotunda  of  materialistic  consumption   totus  itself as  the  american  dream a  cost to  the  mind .......

kids  are  taught at the  earliest    age  ......jsutification for  a higher  education  ....and how  the  guy  should  be a  doctor   so he  can  have the  perfect  wife  .....the  perfect  kids .....the  perfect  house .....its  funny how you see  those  oh so  perfect  couples   end up   with the darkest secrets see  the  cost  of  success  comes with a  high price see  the guys with the  hot  wife  ...only  to find  out  he  is    banging a  normal   chick .......john edwards   ...almost president  ....arnold  scwartzneggers   banged  the  ugly ass  nanny on and  so  forth.......success   has  its  rewards  .....but it   also  comes  sometimes  with a  hefty  price...usually somones  life  or  at the  expense  of    others .............


Former Equinox Employee Opens Fire in Florida Gym, Killing 2 of His Former Coworkers

 Dave Quinn,People 17 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......