Thursday, April 20, 2017

i thought i would dispense some random pics for a change ...

from time to time i may  dispense  some of  my pictures  from  life  them or  leave  them its  up  to you.

strange pairngs ...

i think this might  be  liliths  apple who knows who cares .......
 A strange  movie  title must be  racist 
 self explanatory  picture  really........
 life really is good .................
 when you  have  been  marreid too long this is  what happens ........
 its bad  for  you ........
 view of my  car  from the top  of the  house ........
 what  was  he thinking b4 he  got  stuffed i must have  hurt  by the look on his  face 
 baby horse  have  big kicks ......................
 of course
 the lady looks   pissed  maybe its  becasue  obama  fucked  up  shit ....hang in there  baby   trump is  here  to  fix the shit ..................
 no  are too young for   crippy????????..........................
 Yep doctor who impersonating the   one and  only !!!!!!!!!!
 wellingtons  equestrian  annual  bash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 this is  how  i found  2 books in the   goodwill  store  i promise  good  girls  do like  bad  boys  ........!!!!!!
 no words !!!!!!
 put a  cork init  as  they say  ....i say  bung ho  matey ......
 life  sucks in the  sunshine 
 no one  ever ever  listens   so   i  say  fuck it  !!!!!!!!
 tree of knowledge i  think ....maybe ....maybe  not  ....possibly ......

 how  do you  play vinyl and  drive a  fucking truck i would like to know 
 sure is isnt it  


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......