Monday, January 2, 2017

mariah ... your old washed up ragged out mommy move on !!!!!!!

Maraihs  new years  eve  performance   was a  sad   performance ....... of  a washed up old   lady ........ trying to   be   in vogue are  not  mariah  ,    had  your  day  are  not  as  good  as  cher  .....tina  turner .....madonna  ...

you do  not  have  it    .....nick  cannon  has  ragged you out   ....your  better  of    being  with your  kids  .....your  fans  are  fucking  as stupid  for  listening to your  shit  ....

you  were   good in the  day  ....move  over  ...... accept your  shite  ....your  voice  is shot your  body  fucked  who you needed  to fuck to get  to  where  you are  ....but your a  ragged out  old   whore  .....move on made  your  money ....your  talent is  gone  a mother  and your  kids  will not  grow  up  fucked  up  .......

Dick Clark Productions Rejects Mariah Carey's Sabotage Claim

NEKESA MUMBI MOODY 11 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......