Monday, January 2, 2017

human beings wil never learn .....stupid as fuck ..........

I have  said it  time and  time  again ......when will  human  beings   get used  to   the  fact  that  animals general   are    animals......not   fucking playthings  for  your  amusement .....human  beings  are   such   stupid  fuckers ......they want to keep playing with  animals .....especially pit bulls  does not matter  .....for  some  reason  ...human beings  think  animals  are   so we  can  dress  em  up  ....and  use  them  for  our   pleasure  .....

Here is a  thing ...... how  many   of you dog  lovers  .......  need a  lead  for  your  dog  .....yes  most of you........  why  ....becasue  the dog will  run a way  .....from  you  .........because its a dog  hates  being  held on a lead    very  few  people  who  have  dogs  need a  lead......they  want too break  free  from your  ass .....

A  dog  is   not  a play thing  although  we  love  to use  them  for   videos  and making us  feel  good   about ourselevs    ...becasue  people  don't  feel  good  about  themselves    ....animals  fill a void  in an  otherwise  empty lives  ......its the  same  with emotional support  dogs........they are  an  excuse  ......

The bottom line  the pet  business ......... is a  billion  dollar  business .....and  human beings    love  the  fact ........  that they  can dress up  their  animals  ....but ......  does  a pit  bull  really want  to   have  some  dumb ass  xmas  shite   draped  on it  ...,.i personally think  they deserved  to be   savaged     ...for being  fucking idiots ......


Dog Mauls Family After They Try to Dress It in a Christmas Sweater

Char Adams Sun, Jan 1 11:49 AM PST 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......