Monday, November 14, 2016

Worthless parents

I have always maintained ...good. respectful kids. Come from good respectful patents......

If your kid is a cunt. my older sisters kids. ........then  it's proof ..... that she. Was a self loathing person .......when the parents are theives.  And liars.  .
.that. gene......Usually is passed. On......

Lying. Is inherently a family trait usually. Starts. By the kid.    Being out shone.  By another child. Coming along .....snd the spotlight gets taken away. From the first. Born ......i think that's what. Happened.....

Kids.  Are taught to lie.     They.   Are lied.  To from the.   Get. Go. ...
Tooth fairy.....
Easter...... America.  Thanksgiving.....
School. ....histpry is taught....

I mean the bollocks goes on and. On .........
Little red riding hood.  .....

Goldilocks and the three brars....

Most of these guys that wrote this shit.  We're. Doing acid......hans Christian Anderson ......did.  shit. Loads. Of.  LSD.......walt Disney normal cunt can think this shit up ......if fear of I ever did. Drugs .......
My point. Being we lie to kids.  As soon As they understand.   And.  Some. Get. Absolutely.   Great.   At it ......and the sick part is they actually believe their own shit ......amazing ....

And. The saddest part.....   Is those who lie. The. Most.  .

Hate.   The truth it. ..... Burns. Like a hot knife .

Liars encompass their.  Lives. Through.  Self loathing.  Jealousy ....insecurity.
.....and then these selfish.  Bastards. Have kids. To carry on their. Destructive.  Path ....

I truly. Believe.  Abortion. Had. Killed and saved. The world. From. Many. A. Useless child ......kust   older sister had the sense to
...nut she. Never...........


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......