Monday, November 14, 2016

Behind every great man

There Is the old saying ....behind every great man....... there is a great woman .......until you cheat .....
Then your ass Will bleed. For eternity .....there is nothing worse than a  woman  scorned........
They Will lower themselves. To the same as a Hostage taker. and use kids. Against you .......

Then they will start to dress all sexy again like. Before. ....because they know. It will make you nuts. 
Because you will think someone else is. Fucking her....and she will tell you he is just a friend .....
Then the. Attorney Will turn her completely. Against you...
She.......Will poison the kids. Against you...... after she finds out. That her vagina Is. No longer desirable ........

And the kids. Will always. Cry in front of you...... She. Will make them. Cry. In front of you....... she. Will get upset. So the kids. Will. Cry .....

This is not theatres. My friends. This is. The ferocity of woman .......
When you knock up a chick. ......And she has your. Kid.......women know that is. Collateral .........its on. TV........Jerry .....Maury.
Steve. ..and the annoying white. English bastard.  Cunningham......
But worst of all women will use children. To emotionally manipulate. Grand parents.......for money. Or. Something....usually money..........

I have witnessed. This. And it's why I decided not to have. Kids .......

But worst of all....... is when you date. Another women who has a kid ......they will remind you..... you are not their.  Father ........

Which leaves the burning. Question. wonder he. Fucking cheated ......when you have a disrespectful little cunt. .......Who addresses.  A  disrespects. A man Who has the balls to date your mum ....


  Pesronally  would it not have been easier  buying a  nice  second hand  yacht....... or  something  better than an old cruise ship  .........