Saturday, November 12, 2016

the subject of death

I decided  to  venture on this  subject  to  to a recent  part of my life ......death it is  in  sme  strange  way  human beings  pratice  the  rituals of  death .....when somone  dies  we  emty the  body of the life  blood  and  replace it  with preserve it .....!!!!!!!..then people pay a lot of  money to  put  make -up on a  dead  person that people  can veiw  a  dead  person to say they looked  great or  like they were so young again .....if you really think about it this  practice is done in   civilised  world   ....i have to say it  is a great never  hear of undertakers  being   poor  in  any way  ....undertakers take  advantage of  grief   it converts  into money always .....its  a healthy business of  dying ...still society..... cultures  .......beliefs  ...guilt ..pressure ... .....grief ....all  amount  to    good business   but  human  beings  claim to be the  smartesst of all animals ...yet  they pay fortunes  for  diamonds  which have   no  vlaue  only  the  price  set  bt de  beers ........and  wear  dead  animal  fur  ......and  eat  bottom feeders  from the  ocean ....its  life indoctrination to tell people  they should do  certain things in life  like  have  children or you will be strange  or outcast ....people  have kids  under pressure  and  are not really good parents  but they do it to  satisfy  others misery  ....becasue you know  women  want other  women  to be  miserable  so they  find  a  man  that will become  their  seed  donor  ..then they can use the  child  as a  hostage to the  grandparents or in a divorce .......human beings  believe the are  smarter  than animals ...yet they foolishyl;y spend  vast amounts of money to have them as  pets ....and all the while  they need  to keep them on a leash to stop  them running away   ...natural  thing  ..........and the  worst of  all is the   fools  who buy strollers for their  dogs  ..who  are meant to walk .....are humans  really smarter   .....we  drink  to poison ourselves with    alchohol ...after  all that is  what being drunk is  your  poisoned  .....if you have  not  figured  that one   out then you deserve  to  be  poisoned  anyways .....death is  the final  frontier ..... i personally think  when people  are alive  that matters  most .....but  death  seems  to be  the only way  people  can unite grief ......we canot  be  civil  every single  days  because  of jealousy ....lack of a  good  mother or  father ...sibling  rivalry .....hatred  becasue one  decides one  lives   a  different  lifestyle and  squanders their life  to please  themselves  and ot  others when others find you  more intriguing  and  upset at your  life  stye  then it  tells you a lot  about them ....human beings  are so  indoctrined ..... they need  holidays  to be happy ..... and  an  excuse  to poison themselves ...they need one  day  called  christmas   ...... to buy  each other  gifts ..... to out  do each other .....but they  like to  feel they belong to  something .....they dont  want  to be individuals ...... they need  to belong  to  a  church  ....a  culture  or something that gives  them   a  feeling...... that they are  not  alone ......feeling obligated  in life entails  slavery of  the mind .....but your mind is all you  have  ,..when that goes your  dignity  goes too mother passed  with great dignity ...becasue she was a great mother...she beat the  disease  that was  encroaching upon her her  essence i knew  she would never  ever  wanted  to forget everything ...she  was  a great  mother  to a point that  other  wanted to be her  mother ....death does  strange things to human beings only in death does  the hurt  start  .....people seem to think that death obligates  civility in  every  single  form  ....but really  what is  more important than  anything is  life ,,,its precious  and  people wait till death  to use it  as  a  method  of  unity .....the good god  made  bodies  to die  and  start  moving to  decomposition ,,,but we want  to  fill it  with  alien  liquids and put make up on  a dead  corpse we  can  cry and parade  and  look at  death  like its  a  circus ....i personally think  human beings  are completely  fucking nuts ....cultures are formed as  a  form of control makes  people  feel  pride  ...but  who needs  pride if you  love yourself ...this is  how the world makes  societies  feel...... obligated ,  preying on  people....... in some  form or other ......i was brought up in a  culture only to find  out it  betrayed its own people  many years  later ....but once your indoctrined beats having to think as an  individual ......


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......