Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sore loser. Hilary

There is nothing worse than a sore loser.......ameriva,has taken this. So badly. ......ebem kids. Are given awards. That. They should have. Done ......

America. Is. Just.  Being weak. ....maybe.  this. Who. My kid. Is. The best. Kid sticker .....mentaity .......wenh you win.  You win.   ......when you lose. .....dont. he. A. Screaming.  Little. Cunt.....like.  Hilary.  And her little. Weak sad.   Bitches.  Rooting.  .....when they. Should be.   At home.   Looking after their. Kids .....this you. What the. Democratic.  Demographics.   Are.  Like.......

WhAtever it takes to win.  Donald proved. It.  
...hilary. Is. Just. A. Typical. Whining. Cunt......move. on  Baby. ....msybe if you. Concentrated. Your. Efforts on bill and stop rug munching he may not. Have. Cheated .....but you had.  Cankles......anyways
......winners.   don't. Cry. 
....losers. should not either.  ...you tried.  And that's all That. Matters ........

There is. No. Failure. In trying
.....its when you. Don't try.  You. Fail.......

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  I  am not sure about anyone else .......... but i am  fucking   sick and  tired of  milton ........ (what i shite  name ...... who  gave  ...