Thursday, November 17, 2016
prophecies ..bolocks
All these fear mongering ass wipes .....all they keep saying we a re in the end of times ......
The four horse men ....Y2k bollocks never happened ....all these fear mongering tosser ....and guess what these wankers are always asking for money ....same with those white mid western apocalyptic cunts ....zombie bollocks .....
closest shite you will get zombies is those junkie bastard meths heads ...walking around bothering people ....for money surprise huh !!! ....
Lets hope Donald has a meth head zombie extinction team ...i will do it for coffee !!!!!
i am not sure about the rest of your asses ...i keep hear god is raising up .....oh fucking yeah ....let god stop having fucking earthquakes and tsunamis and wipe out the shit holes .....
These fear mongering wankers are usually white cunts mooching for cash .....or the worst fucker i hate is these white cunts selling dehydrated food in case there is an Apocalypse ....if you cannot figure out how to survive in an emergency deserve to die ......not rocket science .........
they say we have been in the end of times with Obama ...all he did was pussy out like married ass guy to Muslims ...let them breed like fuck here and fuck and dick Americans out of their benefits ....that's called shite ....
god should be around when their is a tsunami child hunger ....all i can personally say if you believe in the end of times bollocks and the four assholes on horses ....i think it might be Budweiser horse ..too much drink ....
OH GEE LET ME THINK ..............
Well god dam jesus christ son of a carpentero ..........really what a fucking lsoer and they expect this guy to go straight into a ...
mark zucherburg just lost 7.2 billion dollars but he has another 82 billion so its not that bad when you have that much cash i guess .......
If you are not busy.......need something to read while taking a shit/dump/crap/turd/turkish delight(shite)winnie....winnie the pooh/mister...
You see a lot of women think i am a man only sort of guy ........ who does not post women shit .......i do......... i post the top ten b...